Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1100

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1066 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH THE NETHERLANDS. SEPT. 26, 1867. .Wh°” °°¤"°¤· Anrromt XX. This Convention shall take effect on the first day 23 i,:l:°i,,°;,i;°€;’ of January next, and shall coiitinue in forfee untill tggminaged by mugs,] continue. a reement; or otherwise unti one year rom the te w eu one 0 ce sgall have notified the other of its desire to terminate it. But the two offices may by common accord modify it at any time, as the exigencies of _ _ the service may require. p,:::ff°°°“’“P‘ It is subject to approval on the one part by the Postmaster—General of the United States, on the other by the Minister of Finance of the _ Netherlands. Ex°°°°°°‘ Executed in duplicate at the Hague, the twenty-sixth day of September in the year 1867. [i.. s.] Jomw A. Kass0N, @0. O0m’r, qc., ¢§·c., UI SC [L- 8-] J. P. Horsrnnn. Posr-Onmcm Dnrsmmnnr, Wssnmorox,} October 18, 1867. mélfgggéd KX__ Having examined and considered the foregoing Articles of a Postal Gm,,.,,}, °'° Convention for the amelioration of the Postal Service between the United States of America and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which were agreed upon and signed in duplicate at the Hague, the twenty-sixth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, by the Hon. John A. dI(lass§1, S]pegalHC?mmissigner¥ &c., on behalf of this Depart.- ment, an y r. . . 0 stede, hie Director of the General Post Oiiice of the Netherlands on behalf of his Department · the same b me hereby ratified and approved by and with the advide and consdiii oi" the President of the United States. In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the Post—OfHce Department to be hereto affixed, with my signature, the day and year first above written. [1.. s.] ALEX.PW. Rsnnau., ostmaster- General, U 8 dagygpihgyesi. I hereby approve the aforegoing Convention, and in testimony thereof, Umm 8mm_ I have cjiused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. i.. s. ANDREW JOHNSON. Ly the President: F. W. Sswnnn Acting Seorcta 0 Stat . Wasmuerou, October 18, 1867. ry f 0