Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1140

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1106 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH VENEZUELA. JULY 1865 & Juxm 1866. will be charged by Venezuela such rates of inland postage as sire lpolpr or may hereafter be established by the laws of Venezuela, whic s a be collected at the place of destination, and shall belong exclusively to Venezuela. . E¤P¤¤¤¤ <>f Each country shall defray the entire expense of sea transportatxon of

§;l“`““sp°m" the mails which it shall despatch to the other country- _

ltlallablc ar- Amsicne V. It is distinctly agreed that all xnailable articles despatched

  • i°l°’ °x‘""P* from one country to the other shall be exempt m the country of destinafmm °m°r mm' tion from any rate or fee whatever beyond the charges prescribed by this

convention, and shall be free from any detention or inspection, and promptly delivered to the persons addressed, being subject in their transmission to the laws and regulations of each country respectively. Iteturs, not Amxcnu VI. Letters and other communications in manuscript, which, f::iK.;x:£’t° be from any cause, shall not be delivered to their address, after- the expiration of a proper period to effect their delivery, shall be reciprocally returned without charge to the Post-Ollice Departmentiof the despatclung Newspapers, country; but newspapers and all other articles of printed matter vvlnch cannot be delivered to their address shall not be returned, but remam at the disposal of the receiving country. Fm transit Amricnm VII. The Post Departments of the United States and of M °l°°°d *******1*- Venezuela reciprocally engage to grant each to the other the gratuitous conveyance across their respective territories of all correspondence which shall be exchanged in closed mails with any countries to which they may respectively serve as intermediaries, provided always that such convey- ance shall be effected by the ordinary means of mail conveyance in use, and that the countries taking the benefits of such gratuitous service shall reciprocally accord the like privilege of free transit across their respective territories. The privilege is also accorded to each administration of Aggnt, sending an agent, at its own expense, in charge of the mails in transit. The Further privilege is accorded of e free transfer of closed mails in the ports and harbors of the respective countries from one vessel to another, in continuance of their conveyance to final destination. gm, 50,- cor. Anrroms VIII. Correspondence of all kinds which either department ¥¤¤l>¤¤dE¤¤¤bd¢- shall despatch to the other for the purpose of being thence forwarded in lgfézllggjl ° its mails to another country of destination to which prepayment is optional, shall be subject to the rates established by Article III. of this convention, added to the interior rate in force beyond the frontier of the forwarding country, so that only one interior rate shall be received by the forwarding department. bS:;_¤;S:z:5;¤¤¤ Anrionn IX. The correspondence between each government and its government and leganon near the other, and that of the latter with the former, shall be its leganonm be conveyed to its destination free of postage, and with all the precautions "°°· which both governments may tind necessary for its inviolability and security. Amendments Amicnm X. In case any change or amendment in the provisions of hg;:? ‘"“Yb° this convention shall be desired by either party, the same may be proposed by such party ; and when the details thereof shall be agreed to and approved by 'ooth parties, this convention shall be considered as changed or amended accordingly. tiozlgigsgzic Amrom ‘XI. This convention shall take elfect from a day to be fixed effect, and hw by the two Post Departments, and shall continue in force until annulled lcmgtn continue. by mutual consent, or until one of the two Post Departments shall have given to the other a previous notice of one year of its intention to abrogate the same. Done in duplicate and si¤ned at Washington on the 19th da of Jul A. D. 1865, and at Caracascon the 26th day of June, A. D. 18l$T6. y, [L. S.] W. DENNISON, Postmaster- Gen¢raL [L. 6.] J. M. ALVAREZ LUGO, Minister of Internal Improvements.