Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/115

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. FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 39, 44, 46. 1870. 81

 Constitution of the United States, so help me God ”; or under the pains

and penalties of perjury (as the case may be) ; which oaths or af1irma· beggghih =—. tions shall be taken before, and certified by, any officer lawfully auth0r· to be taken_ ized to administer oaths. And any person who shall knowingly swear or fierjury in A aiiirm falsely in taking either of such oaths or aihrmations, shall be *¤l:l:¤§]°¤*h°;

 deemed guilty of‘pe1jury,and shall be punished therefor by imprisonment 5mg_ °w P u`

‘ not less than one year, and not more than ten years, and shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars, and not more than ten thousand dollars.

 And in all trials for any violation of this act, the certiticate of the taking mg¤¤‘tiig;=¤*:0¤§°
 of either of said oaths or aifrmations, with·proof' of the signature of the m(}Q§ge_°'

·_ party accused shall be taken and held as conclusive evidence that such ‘€ oath or affirmation was regularly and lawfully administered by competent T C authority : And provided further, That every such person ivho shall neg- th%;£‘*}§l§:;;°;) _ Iect for the period of thirty days next after the passage of this act to take, mm, &c_ the _' subscribe, and file such oath or affirmation as aforesaid, shall be deemed oath, m vacate h and taken to all intents and purposes to have vacated his office: And pro- ° 1%%, ch. ,,1. mded further, That the State of Texas IS admitted to representation m P0S[,p_ gg_ Congress as one of the States of the Union, upon the following l`unda— Fupgiamenml _v mental conditions: First. That the constitution of Texas shall never be gg-;;?;;;; °h° it so amended or changed as to deprive any citizen or class of citizens of the Texas to 1-GP- Y United States of the right to vote who are cmitled to vote by the consti ¤‘¢¤¤¤Y¤*l¢>¤ m

 tution herein recognized, except as a punishment for such crimes as are C¥§`-Sékm or

“ now felonies at common law, whereof they shall have been duly convicted class to be ge.- _ under laws equally applicable to all the inhabitants of said State: Pr0· g‘;§;°;;égl;:

 vided, That any alteration of said constitution, prospective in its effects, gw_; ’ ’

ll may be made in revard to the time and place of residence of voters. ` Second. That it shui never be lawful for the said State to deprive any orto hold of-

· citizen of the United Statesbn account of his race, color, or previous con· g;."·;;‘;‘c?°cg?;_?t
V dmon of servitude, of the right to hold office under the constitution and gw_;

§ laws of said State, or upon any such ground to require of him any other

 qualifications for office than such as are required of all other citizens.
 Third. That the constitution of Texas shall never be so amended or

E changed as to deprive any citizen or class of citizens of the United States ri °{£f8§%h°'1f}d_

 of the school rights and privileges secured by the constitution of said lege; P

g APPROVED, March 30, 1870. E CHAP. XLIV. -—An Act tojacilitate the Administration of Justice in the State of Texas. April 5, 1870. E WHEREAS the present incumbent of the office of district judge for the Preamble.

 eastern district of the State of Texas is incapacitated by sickness and

E paralysis from performing the duties of his 0Hice, and has remained so E incapacitated for along period, which incapacity is believed to be perma~ E nent, by reason of which the government and citizens of the United E States have been unable to have their business transacted in that court, { and have suifered great loss and inconvenience therefrom : Therefore,

 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives af the United d_g¤]¤F og the

l States of America in Congress assembled, That. the resignation of the {Q,. élalgfsb l district judge for the eastern district of the State of Texas, being ten- districtofffexas, “ dered and accepted by the Presidentlcf the United States, the salary now §ft:‘:]‘;;;‘;‘;d received by said Judge shall be continued to him during his natural life, mslggempou the payable in the same manner and form as if he actually performed the *‘¢¤d¤¤ Md duties of his office. ;€;:,§g°§s;¤%E1_ APPROVED, April 5, 1870. CHAP. XLVI. —An Act qiving the Consent of the United States to the Erection of a April 6, 1870. Bridge across the Delaware River, between Philadelphia and Camden. f_""" Be it enacted by the Senate and [base of Representatives of the United States of Amer12ea in O'on_qress assembled, That the consent of the United v01.. xvi. PUB. -——- 6