Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1156

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1122 CONVENTION WITII NEW ZEALAND. AUG. 3 & OCT. 5, 1870. or for any other cause specified in said laws and regulations, as well as m regard to their liability to customs duty under the revenue laws. l Transit in Anrxcns IV. The United States office engages to grant the transit °l°‘°d “‘““’· through the United States, as well as the conveyanceby United States mail packets, of the correspondence in closed mmlsrwhtch the New Zealand post-oflice may desire to transmit via the Ilmted States to British Columbia, the British North American provinces, the West Indies, Mexico, Central und South America, and at the following rates of United States transit-postage, viz.: —- _ _ Bates of trim- For the United States territorial transit of closed mails from New 'll p°s°°g°‘ Zealand for Mexico, British Columbia, Canada, or other British North American provinces, when transmitted entirely by land routes, stx cents per ounce {br letter mails and sixteen cents per pound for all kinds of rinted matter. p For the United States territorial and sea transit of closed mails from New Zealand for British Columbia or other British North American provinces, Mexico, Central and South America, or the West India Islands, when transmitted from_ the United States by sea, twenty-fire cents per ounce lbr letter mails and twenty cents per pound for all ktnds of rintcd matter. New Zeeland P The New Zealand post-oflicc shall render an account to the United a’;3'§£;‘;:3n,s_ States p0st—o{lit:e, upon letter-billslto accompany each. mail, of the weight ’ of the letters, and al<o of the printed matter contained in such closed mails tiu·»vm·de<l to the United States for transmission to either of the accnuntstcbo abovcmamcd countries and colonies; and the accounts arising between f°"l°d ‘l““"°°"' the two oilitres on this class of correspondence shall be stated, adjusted, y` und settled quarterly, and the amounts of the United States transit charges found due on such closed mails shall be promptly paid over by the New Zealand post-office to the United States post-office, in such manner as the l.’ost1naster·General of the United States shall prescribe. Prepaitlietzers An1‘tt:L1: V. Prepaid letters trorn foreign countries received in and

’.:’,;’032l3$lf"; forwurtle¢.l from the United States to New Zealand, shall be delivered in

i g` said colony free of all charges whatsoever, and letters received in New Zeu.lnnd_from the United Suites addressed to New South Wales, or Austrnlio, will be fbrwartlcd to clostitmtion, subject to the same conditions as ure applicable to correspondence originating in New Zealand and addressed to those countries. It any Austm- Auricrn VI. In the event of any of the Australian colonies not lltip ¤¤l¤¤}lJ; TM5 ngrecing with New Zealand to contribute to the maintenance of any line ${,$Y£,T,,::,E,:g of mail. packets plying between New Zealand and the United States of ofmail packets. America, and subsidized by New Zealand, the New Zealand post-office may require the United States post-oflice not to forward by such subsidized packets any mails. letters, newspapers, or other articles addressed to such colony, and the New Zealand post-office may refuse to transmit to their destination all mails, letters, newspapers, or other printed matter addressed to such colony, and received in New Zealand from the United States by such subsidized packets, and may refuse to forward to their destination by such subsidized packets, all mails, letters, newspapers, or other printed matter received in New Zealand from such colony, and addressed to the United States of America; or elsewhere. _ Registcrsdar- Anrtcma VII. The two Post Departments may by mutual agreement

  • ¤¤l°¤· provide foi- the transmission of registered articles in the mails exchanged

between the two countries. Fee. The register fee for each article shall be ten cents in the United States, and --————- in New Zealand. petailed regu— Amictrz VIII. The two Post Departments shall settle by agreement

3:* *°b° between them, all measures of detail and arrangement required to carry

` this conventiop into execution, and may modify the same in like manner from time to time, as the extgeucies of the service may require.