Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1174

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1 1 40 INDEX. · · vertwe' ments, c. _ Actingifilnldgsg 5:3;% ilidinirecleiilarid by Ad none,-for gny office connected w1tl1 any those dul enrolled as examiners.. . , . 314 executive depurneplfédcfl th;] gov:;:: Acting Ojiws (%lav,),_ ment, to be pgpc is m y u 308 Mw authorizing temporary, except, &c_ paper, except, . ..,... repealed ...,.. : ..,. 834 Advcrtzsmq , Actions. See Limitation. by _ Post-Office Department, appropriafor the recovery of real estate in the Dis- tions for . l . 22:, 571 trict of Columbia, how to be com- no part to be paid teeny paper pu_ menced. ... 146 lished m the District of Columbia fictions in pleadings in ejectment abol- _ for, &c. except, &c .. 228, 571 ishcd .. · M6 Ajidavvto, _ _ _ in which a-State is a party, w have prior- officers, &c. detailed to investigate frauds, ity in courts of the United States . 176 &c: may adminxster oaths to certain . 55 or when the execution of the rev- certain officers and clerks_ of executive enue laws of a State may be en— departments may administer oaths joined,&c. . 176 _ w.. . ._ _. .. 75 under copyright laws, to be commenced m matters pending in the patent office, within two years 215 provisions concerning ... 204 Active List _ witnesses' subpoenas, their fees, &u. . 204 of the army, officers on, not to hold civil Ajirmution, _ _ othee. . 319 members elect, and those claiming to be accepting or holding, to vacate com- elected, to the general assembly of the mission ... 3I9 State of Georgia, to take and subscubo 0f.the navy, pay of, established 330-332 an additional oath I. . 59 olhccrs on, in navy, below, &c. not found form of, and what to be done with upon examination qualified for pro- it _ . I .. 69, 60 motion, to be suspended, &.c. for one penalty for violation of, .. 60 year, &c...~ . 333 to be taken by members of legislature Acta of Congress. See Lbngress. and State oihcials of Virginia .. 62, 63 lbrm of enacting clause of . 481 form of, &»e 62, 63 rules for construction of ... 431 by the members of the legislature and effect of repeal ... 432 State officials of Mississippi 67, 68 Adams, A. M., form of, &e. . ... ·. . . 67, 68 appropriation to indemnify, for losses by by members of legislature and State Indians ... 307 ofllcinls of Texas .. 80, Sl, 96 A<lmn9,ZcnasL, fo1‘m0f;&C... . .. 80 amount of money collected of whaling A_/rfcan Descent, bark Hamilton, to be refunded to . 662 naturalization laws extended to persons ArlJ·I/0.·ut/ B0·mh`e£s, of. . .· . » ... . 256 time for presenting claims for certain, ex- .A_f7`1·L‘G7l l\lzt1'v1'/y, tended .. . . . , . . 254 naturalization laws extended to aliens of. 256 Add/tional Clerks, African Slave Trade, attorney-general may appoint three, of additional convention with Great Britain the tourrh class . 163 res ting .. . ... 777 ··780 in general land office, appropriations for., 243 sesrciiznd detention of vessels suspected for Secretary of State . 378 of being engaged in, provisions respectappropriation therefor . .. 378 ing. . .. . . . .,. .. 778 ·- 780 three, of class four amhorized in the office Agemy Buildings, Indian, of the register of the Treasury ... 482 appropriations for.. . . . . . 545 and eight female clerks 482 Agent appropriations for, in Treasury Depart- for the United States, under the conven- _ ment . . 485 tion with Mexico for the adjustment of Alba/ant, claims, appointment, pay, and duties of 8 pay ot] established 320 for each government, under claims cou- Ac§:¢mnt~ General, veution with Peru . . 754 nppropriation~i for office of . 247, 491 with Venezuela ... . .. 715 for clerks . . .. 247 Agents to make inventory of property in office for procuring bounties forsoldiers, fees 01] under his charge 364 to he reserved, and how paid . 55 annual report to Congress. . 364 no part of the money due soldiers or their Atljuttmt-GencraI's /)»pm·tment, heirs for bounties, to be paid to . 54, 55 certain vacancies existing in, exempted special, of Post-Office Department, approfrom operation of former act forbidding priation lor 228 new appointments and promotions in 53, 54 blank, and assistants. . . . .. 228 appropriations for contingent expenses oi, “Agra," The Ship, at, &c . 522 American register may issue to. 379, 380 A·Im~ns·mement of Vessel, Agricultural College Lands, lbcs for. . 178 selection of, by California . 581 Admiral, _ limitation to privilege of ... . . 581 pay of, established ... . 330 if certain lands are selected, they are to Adrian, llhclu., be taken in satisfaction of the grant, condemned cannon granted to Soldiers’ and California shall pay $1.25 per Monument Associatiou at. ... 381 acre ... . 581