Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1178

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1144· INDEX. Arizona Territory (continued.) Armarfes and Arsemzls, (continued.) · '· · · ‘. Frankford ... 506 salaries of chief Justice and associate Jus _ _ 299 5,,6 ticcs in, established . 152 Indianapolis . . , 506 appropriation therefor . 313 Leavenworth . . . ., 506 appropriations for omee of surveyopgen- New York ... 506 eral in . 87, 245, 293, 813, 489 Pikesville ... 5w _ for territorial government in. . . 241, 486 Rock Island . .29 , 506 made u sepsrute surveying district .. 280 Sam: Louis . .. _ ... 505 survcyongcnersl authorized. . . . . . . . 230 Ssn_.Ant0n1o . . .. residence, duties, pay . 230 %)l‘1Dgl10l(l ... 29 , appropriation for surveying public lands sncouver . . . ... 506 m ... . . . . . 304, 499, 520 Washingwn. . . . . . 506 surveyor-general of, to report upon the Watervliet . .. 506 nature and extent of claims to lands Wstertown . . 506 therein, under the laws and usages of for repairs of smaller .. 508 Spain and Mexico . r ... . 304 Arms, _ _ reports to be laid before Congress.. . 304 appropriation for the manufacture of, at appropriation for lsw library for 306, 518 the national armory . 524 Arkansas, Army, _ post-roads established in 69, 280, 460 office of chief of stall` to the general of claims of loyal citizens of, for services in the, abolished .. Z ... 6 taking the eighth census, to be paid. . . 167 pay and allowances of enlisted men of appropriation for . 3l4 the, to remain as now, until, Gu: . . . 52 Clarksville land district in, discontinued 277 number of judge-advocates of the. .. 44 Harrison and Dsrdsuelle lend district in, vacancies, how filled .. 44 established .. . .. 227, 278 retired ollleers of the, not to be assigned certain useless military reservations in, to duty, &c 62 may be sold. .., 430, 431 former assignments toter1ninare.. . . 62 counties composing the western judicial accounts of officers of the, for government district oil .. . .. 472 properzc charged to, may be closed two additional terms of the district court when, . .. 166, 167 to be held at Helene. ... . . ... 471 ner. to rn-mein in force two years 167 no court to be held st, until suitable number of enlisted men in the, reduced . . 317 rooms for holding court sro pro- certain olllvers of the, upon their applicavldcd by, &c ... 472 tion, may be honorably discharged with district judge authorized for western dis- one ycm·’s pay . 317 trict, .. . ... 472 certain officers may be placed upon reterms now held st Van Buren to be held tired list . .. 317 at Fort Smith. . 472 their puv and omolnmonts . 317 Arkansas Lund District, limit to number of officers on retired list established in Kansas . 122 repealed ... 317 boundnries of 122 number not to exceed three hundred 317 register and receiver, &c .. . 122 appropriations for contingencies of 89, Arkansas Rise:-, 507 bridge may be built across the, near Little for recruiting service in . . . . 89 Rock. .. . . 185 for building corner F and Seventeen th ell trains of all roads, &»c. to be sl- streets . 89 lowed to pass over .. 185 for years ending June 30, 1871, and question of obstruction to river may June 30, 1872 . 315 -321, 521 - 525 be tried in federal courts 185 recruiting end transportation of rem·uits..315, to be u lawful structure and post- 522 road... ... I85 payof them1ny.. 315 if built ss o drswbridge, how to be commutation of subsistence and forage,. 315 constructed 185 transfer of sur lus of appropriations. 315 plans, &c. to be submitted to Socro- payments in lieu ofpclorhing . . . . 3l5 tary of War ... 185 pay and clothing for discharged soldiers. 522 right of way ecress, for postal tele- only $ 100,000 may be paid to Indian graph.. .. _ . . , ... 185 scouts . . . . . 522 Arkansas Valley Land pzstrwl, medical and hospital department.. . .315, 316, in Colorado established 139, 140 528 boundsries, location of office, &c. &c. 139, 140 medical museum and medical works.3\5, 523 _T°gl¤¢¢¤` Mid F°¤¤lV¢¤‘» ¤`¤¤id¤¤°¤. P5}', M- · N0 wmmzmding generul’s otilce 315, 522 Arlm, Betsey, udjutsnt-generaI’s department at headpension to ... . ... 644 quarters of divisions and departments. 522 Armaries and Arsenals, signal service . . ... 316 522 appropriations for ... s.299, 300, 505 qusrtermasterk department . 316, 522 Allegheny . . . . 299, 505 mileage of oflioers , 3l6 Augusta . 505 transportation for officers .. 522 Benicia ... . .. 299, 505 general expenses . 522 Charleston ... 505 subsistence ... . .. . 315, 522 Columbus 299, 505 limit for amount for Indian scouts. . 522 Detroit . .. . .. 505 horses for cavalry end artillery and Indian Fort Monroe . . 299, 506 scouts C 523 Fort Union ... . .. 506 hire, &c. of quarters, huts, repairs, &c. . . 523