Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/118

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84 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 56. 1870. aA¢:gig<;!€:L For additional pay of fifteen laborers employed in the ]?0st—OfHee pe. gg, andlabop parrment, at one hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand eight e;si¤P¤st-Omco hundred dollars. D°P’“'*m°“*·For additional pay of eleven laborers in the office of the auditor of the treasury for the Post-Omoo Department, at one hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. For additional compensation of nine watchman in the Post-Office Department, at one hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand and eighty dollars. Contingent For contingent expenses, copying, binding, sealing ships’ registers, 3f;‘i;‘;°;r{!r!$_ translating foreign languages, advertising, and miscellaneous items for the P Treasury Department and its several bureaus, twelve thousand dollars. Sick and dis- To supply deficiency in the fund for the relief of sick and disabled sem "l’l°d ‘*°*““°“· men, one hundred thousand dollars. Clerks in ef- Comptroller af the Ohrrency.-— For pay of one clerk of class two, one {l" °f °°‘“P‘ clerk of class one, and three female clerks, at nine hundred dollars each, roller of cur- . . . . . . rgytcy, in his office, seventeen hundred and sixty-suc dollars and sixty-six cents. Internal rev- Dztermzl Revenue Bureau. —— For rent, dies, paper; for stamps and inci- °"“° b“*°’·“· dental expenses, including the cost of subscriptions for such number of copies of the “Internal Revenue Record and Customs Journal" as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary to supply to revenue officers, three hundred thousand dollars. Abandoned Abandoned and O'aptu¢·ecl Property. -- For the necessary expenses of

'Qgp‘g*;{’°“’°d defending suits in the court of claims against the United States, for the

y` proceeds of abandoned and captured property under the direction of tho Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the joint resolution of March Vol.xv.p.261. thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, twenty thousand dollars; and for the necessary expenses incurred in defending suits against the Secretary of the Treasury or his subordinates and agents, in respect to or growing out of the seizure of such property, and in prosecuting suits for the recovery of property claimed to have accrued or belonged to the United States, growing out of the rebellion or the suppression thereof, and for settling the accounts of agents employed in recovering such property, twenty thousand dollars. _ Public build- Public Buildings. — For roofing and continuing the work on the custommp "' c“"°i house at Cairo, Illinois, ten thousand dollars. Detroit; For rooting and continuing the work on the custom-house at Detroit, Michigan, one thousand five hundred dollars. savannah; For general repairs of custom-house at Savannah, Georgia, fifteen thousand dollars. Llgbilg; For general repairs of custom-house at Mobile, Alabama, fifteen thousand dollars. portland; For plastering, iron work, and carpentry on the custom-house at Portland, Maine, thirty thousand dollars. Richmond; For repairing the custom-house at Richmond, Virginia, twenty-tive thousand dollars. ogdimsburgil; For paving, grading, and fencing about custom-house at Ogdensburgh, New York, five thousand dollars. springfield, For paving, curbing, grading, sewerage, and other work about the c0urt— hogse and post-office at Springfield, Illinois, the sum of twelve thousand o ars. Castino; For the purchase of additional land for the custom-house at Castine, Maine, six hundred dollars. Saint Paul; For continuing construction, granite and limestone work, for custom- ,,,.0vi,°_ house, Saint Paul, Minnesota, twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of the money shall be expended until a contract or contracts shall be entered into by the proper authorities with the lowest responsible bidder or bidders for the completion of the entire building at a sum, including all moneys already expended in its construction, not