Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1194

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1160 INDEX. C/zrkhnas Day, I mma com-as q/the United .S?ates, (continued.) to be a holiday in the District of Colum- to supervise registration, voting, &c. bla ... 168 in all elections for representative, &c. Church, Professor A. E., to Congress .,.. 255, 256, 433, 434 certain captured cannon donated to, for authority of such persons .. 256 a monument at West Point, N. Y. 378 penalty for obstructing them ... 256 Churches, times and places of holding in the eastern and appurtenances in the District of Co- district of Virginia . 403 lumbia, to be exempt from taxation. . 153 in the western district .,... 403 Cigar Lights, special terms may be ordered . . . 403 may be removed from place of manufac- but not without the consent of the ture, lor export, without payment of circuit judge ... 403 tux ... 257 clerks, their residence, pay. &e. .403, 404 Cigars, f ’ b wps oi, qt Erie in the western district of 429 manu acturer s or pr0pi·iet0r's name to e enns · vunia .. printed on label for, under the internal judges oi upon petition to appoint in cerrevenue law . ... 43 tain cities or towns two supervisors of portion of tax on certain, equal to value elections for election of representatives, y of stamps alilxed, &c. to be refunded. . 43 &c. in Congress . 433, 434 J duty on cigars imported prior to July 20, proceedings for such appointments. . 434 1868, and remaining in bond . 44 to be kept open until and including the tax upon sales of, not to cease, October 1, day after the election 434 _ 1870 . . 256 judges may actin vacation or at chambers 434 i Cincinnati, may assign the performance of duties provisions of act allowing entry of goods respecting supervisors of election for immediate transportation, extended to district judge in case, &.c .. 434 to the port of .. 271 duties of, in respect to persons appropriation for office of depositary at. . 484 brought before them under arrest. 436 Circuit Lburts of the Mailed States, to appoint in writing one of their comprovisions concerning . ... 44, 45 missioners in each judicial district to _v whom to be held ... . .. 44, 45 be chief supervisor of elections for such appointment, salaries, powers, and duties district . . .. 437 ofjudges oil .. 44, 45 jurisdiction: of, extendetl to cases arising clerks ol', how appointed ... . . . . 45 under the civil rights acts 438 jurisdiction given to, over olfcnces suits in State courts for acts done under against the act to promote the recon- civil rights nets, to be removed to . 439 struction of the State of Georgia . 60 proceedings respecting removals of of California, to hear appeals from linal such cases. ... . . 439, 440 judgments of minister to China or and subsequent to such removals 440 Japan in criminal cases .. 184 deputy clerks for the additional, authorin civil cases, whcro matter in dis- ized in Indiana. . ... 473 putc exceeds. &c ... 184 actions in such additional courts 473 to have with district courts exclusive appropriations for expenses of, . 498 jurisdiction of otienees under the act to Circuit Judqes of the Uiiited States, enforce the right of voting, &e 149, 146 one to be appointed lor each of the nine times and places of holding in Wiscon- judicial circuits .. . . . 44 sin . . . . .1 ... II7, 171 pager, jurisdiction, residence, salary, spccia terms . 1 l c . . .44 45 additional, in Indiana, required. 175 to appoint their own clerks . , 45 toppbhcld at Evansville and H6 provision us to the resignation, &c. of cerun , tam . . . 45 not io be held unless suitable may make certain rules, &c. in bankcourt-rooms arc provided with- ruptcy, in case of a vacancy in the oil out expense to the United 7 ficc of district judge, or of his absence ates . 1 6 or disabilit .. _. . . 174 provisigi as to adjournments, jurors, entitled to nge the Statutes at Large and &e ..., 175 certain volumes of reports ... 307 terms of] not to be limited . 175 appropriations for salaries oli 90, 249, 493 marshal and clerk to attend: . . . t . ., . . Z . 175 salaries of, establi hed ... . . 494 not to be held in unyyudicnal district in _ payable quarterly . . ... 495 winch a circuit was not required to be in each district, to designate district judges held by previous existing law. 179 to hold courts in aid oi, or in place of times of holding in the northern district other district judges . 494 qt Ohio cliangedq . 192 such districtjudges to receive no adto ave 'uris ietion o copyrights ... 215 ditional a . . .. judges oi, entitled to use Statutes at Large, Circulation, P y 495 and certain volumes of reports ... 307 fifty-four millions of dollars in notes for, Pay of jnrorisrip, for travel and attend- 363 be issued to national banking assoance, esta > is ec .. . . . . .. ciations ... 251 judlge of any ciacuitfwhcrein iq] a city provisions for equitable redistribution of 252- avin u war s o twenty thousand 2y inhabllanlg, to appoint, upon applica notes payable in gold may be issued to A tion, two citizens in each election dis- certain associations . 252 trict, &c. one from each political party, limit to amount of any one such bank 252