Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1199

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INDEX. 1165 Cbims, (continued) 3;,1,;,, of D;_,.m·c, CWM convention with Venezuela for the adjust- to send to librarian bt Congress all books ment of certain . 713-717 &e now in their oiilces and all records with Peru 751 -756 of copyrights.. . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . 215 See Peru, Venezuela. Clerks, Tmpwwy, °U ° ' Claims against the United States, for Treasury Department appropriation pending before any department or bureau, for .. .. . . 238 testimony may be taken in behalf of none to receive more than at the`rate·ol` the United States ... 412 twelve hundred dollars per annum for mode of taltmiidcc. ... 412 time actually em Ioyed. .. 238 Claims Gmvcntwn wu}: erica, Clerks to Ojlcers tlgf the Rlavy, appropriation for expenses under the... . 495 pay ot, estab ished . .. 832 Clair, Itomaa, 637 Cleveland, ension to. ... , 638 provisions of act allowin en ofds Claris, 4/mam-, . for immediate transpoigiatidiiwextddded Cla pafpnpiofi may be extended nd &c 613 to the port ofZ .. 271 1* . · -. ma erect a crib in Lake Erie accounts of; to be audited and settled 669 gc ... 83 allowance of salary . ... 669 beacon light to be placed thereon... . 83 appropriation 669 Clinton, Harriet R., Ckzrke, J. Edwards, payment to, for military service of husband 635 payment to, and the heirs of John T. Closed Mails, Peabody ... . ,.. 670 obsolete revisions of postal conventions Clarksville Lund District, with (Feat Britain cfmccming . . .784, 785, in Arkansas, discontinued . .. .. 277 790, 791, 807, 829, 830, 840 Clearance, existing rovisions of postal conventions certificate oi, form of} to be prepared 177 with Gpreat Britain concerning 852, 863, custom-house fees for .. 178 854, 859 of vessels navigating the waters of the obsolete provisions respecting, in postal frontiers, fees of .. . .. 595 conventions with Belgium 899, 900, 921 certain ferry-boats not required to enter existing provisions respecting, in postal or clear, or pay fees. . 595, 596 conventions with Belgium 925, 926 nor certain enrolled and licensed ves- with Brazil 1110, 1111 sels .. . 596 with Prussia . 963, 965, 978 0'lmoal Services, with the North German Union.. 979, 981, no part of appropriation for contingent 995 expenses of the Treasury Department with Italy. .. 1006, 1007, 1011, 1014 to be expended for . . . . . . 484 with Salvador. . . . 1119 Clerk of the House of Representatives, with Switzerland . . .. 1038 to report to Congress his receipts and ex- with the Netherlands ... . 1065 peudituros in detail, &c.. 365 with the colonial government of New to make inventory of property in his pos- Zealand . . ... . . 1122 session .. . . 365 with Venezuela . . 1106 Clerks, charge for sea conveyance of letters sent certain, in the office of the paymaster- across the sea in, by postal convention general, not to be continued after, &c.. 11 with Great Britain . . ... 869 in office of education. . 13 by pmtal convention with Italy 1029 iu fifth military district, pay of} not to ex- wit Switzerland . ... 1061 ceed, `&c ... 89 with Belpéum ... 951 Clerks in Pulem Office, with the orth German Union.. . .. 1003 appointment, number, salaries, oath, &c.. 198, Clothing, 199 appropriations for, for army... . 315, 519, 523 Clerks in Treasury Department, for payments in lieu of r ... 315 appropriation for pay of, and additional not drawn, payment. for, to discharged compensation to . . .. 497 soldiers, appropriation for ... 315, 522 Clerks of Courts of the United States, Coal, _ _ by whom to be appointed . . 45 not to purchased for public service m present, to continue in office until, &c 45 _ the District of Columbia, except, &c.. 229 supervisory powers over accounts ol} to mspector, weigher, and measurer of . 229 e exercised by the Attorney-General. 164 ceruncate oi} to go with each load .. 229 of circuit and district courts in western disbursing officer not to allow, &c ... 229 district of Virginia, appointment, resi— Coastlng Steamers. _See Sturm Vessels. dence, pay, &.c. of . . . . . . . 404 to carry what lights .. . . .. . 454 may make transcripts of records, &c. in Cbasling Trade. _ _ eastern district- affecting titles to See Fomgn and Caasling Trade. land in western district . 404 on northern, &c. frontiers, act to regusuch transcripts certified, &c. to be late .. 176-· 179 evidence .. . 404 Coast Survey, for western district of Arkansas to be supply of new vessels for.. ., .. , 90 appointed .. 472 appropriation for lrthograplnng charts for deputy, authorized for the district and annual report of 238 circuit courts in Indiana . 473 appropriations for 303, 507, 508 fees to, for services to 1’ost·OBce Depart- Atlantic and Gulf coasts ... 808, 507 ment . . ... . .. . . . . . . 472 P¤.cific·coast. . 303