Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1214

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1 180 INDEX. Delegates in Clio s. See Vote, , Department qf.Lts£ié·e, (continued.) T PTQVl$i0¤S Pgqlsecting the eleeéidn of,433-438 oB·i,4·ers hereby transferred to the, l0 l10·g lm Delegalicns, lflndians, i gffiqg until their SUQCGSSOXS 81`G ·1pp(l1l1fo · visiting Washington, appropriations for solicitor-gelneral, assistants att0F¤<i_)·g€H- expenses of . . . ,.387, 568 eral, solicitors, and assistant so icitors V ·D€”¢i, to be appointed by the Pt‘eS1d€1’l¥, hy, @*6. 163 first national bank of] may change its all other officers,.clcrks, and employ- location and name .. . 116, 117 ees to be appointed and removable De Long, A. A., also by Attorney-General 163 payment to, for services and disburse- salaries .. 163 ments. .. .. 691 Attorney-General to be allowed a steno- Denver, graphic clerk . 163 appropriations for branch mint at. . .241, 485 and three additional clerks of the Department of Agricuitttre, fourth class .. . . 163 appropriations for. . . ,. 245, 246, 489, 509 moneys drawn by Attorney-General, how for statistics and preparing reports. . 245 to be disbursed . 163, 164 improvement ofgrounds, &c ... 509 annual report of Attorney—Genei al, when for commissioner and other officers to be made, and to include what .. 164 and employees., ... . ... 489 statistics of crime, federal and State 164 collecting statistics und preparing re- suitable rooms to be provided for the 164 ports .. 489 Att0rney·General may require any officer purchase and distribution of seeds. . 489 of the, to perform any duty rrquired. . 164 experimental garden. . , ... 489 officers of the law department to give works of reference ... . . ... 490 opinions, &<·. . V . _. 164 laboratory and apparatus . . 490 to conduct, prosecute', andtlefend all electrical apparatus, mercury pump, suits and proceedings in certain and air pump ., 490 courts . . . ._ 164 meteorological apparatus .. 490 no fees to be allowed or paid to any periodicals and sets for library. . 490 other attorney or counsellor for any Department of [Education, duty herein required. ... 164 appropriation for use of building by . 314 Attorney-General to exercise supervisory Department of .Iustice, powers over accounts of district attoract to establish .. 162- 165 neys, marshals, clerks, and other offi- Attorney—General to be the head 162 cers of courts .. . . .. 164 duties, tenure of office, &c. to eon- and over conduct and proceedings of tinue as now, except, &c. ... I. 162 attorneys of, or employed hy, the solicitor-general to be, appointed. ... 162 United States .. 164 his duties and salary .. . . . .162, 163 Secretaries of Departments not to employ two assistants attorney-general t0_ be ap- attorneys or counsel at the expense of pointed 162 the United States . ... . 164 their duties and salary . 162, 163 to call upon the Department of Juslaw oftirers of .other departments, their tice for such services .,.. 164 clerks, &c. to be transferred to, und con- no counsel or ntto¤ ney fees to be allowed tinue under its control ... 162 except, &<·. and upon what certifhate. . 164 questions oflawsubmittcd to the Attorney- attorneys speriall y retained by the Depart- General, except, &<:. may be referred to mentof Justice to receive cotnn is>ions his subordinates . 162 as special assistants to the Attorney- their written opinion may he required 162 General . . . . 164, 165 effect thereof, when indorsed by to take the oath, &e ... 165 Attorney-General .. . 162 Attorm·y·General from time to time to cases in the Supreme Court of the United cause to be edited and piinted at, &c. States in which the government is in- an edition of the opinions of the law terested, how to he conducted . . . 162 — 164 ofH<·ers,deemed valuable for preservation 165 in the court of claims 162-164 style, &<·. of volumes, and how to in any court of the United States. . . 163 be distributed . . 165 ofiicers of the, may be sent to any State when act to take effect 165 or district . 163 appropriations for 311 actual and necessary expenses on Attorney-General and assistants 311 such service to bpvpaid .. 163 solicitor-general and assistants. 311 questions of law from nr or Navy De- cortain appropriations for salaries of offipnrtments to be referred to Attorney- ocrs, &c. heretofore employed in other General ... 163 depai·t1ni·nts and now emplovod iu, head of any department may require the transferred to. ... U .. 3 06 opinion of the Attorney·Generul on any additional assistant attorney-general auquestion of law arising thereon ... 163 thorized in. 432 duties of auditor of Post»Of1ico Depart- salary, &c. of . 4:32 ment to be performed by some officer of appropriation for officers ofQ and expenses the, to be specially designated 163 of the ... . . 494 such officer to have care of prnsecu- rent of building. .. 494 tions for mail depredations and pe- for furniture and law books. .. 494 nal offences against postal laws. . . 163 Department ofSmie, v rules and regulations for the govern- appropriations for the ... . . . 236 480 ment of the, to be made by Attorney- for building for the accommodation, General ,... , .. r · 163 of the .. . .. 494