Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1244

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1210 INDEX. D¢Wct 0 Columbia continued. Di·W'l:¢·'l Qf columbia- (°?mi"“°d'i governor th isi! to qt-t12r at opening all moneys r-used, &¤· lv? ¤¢lg>¤l WF of each new assembly ... 422 P050S °*§°°P* b)' b°‘l“°“» °· *0 Ec rights of members . . . . 422 *PP"°P"'“'·“d fi"` 'h° °q'}°l P}°‘°° ° who may not be members .. tm, 423 of ¤11 me y<>p¤¤¤ <>f ¤h¤ ¢l¤¤¤·¢¤» be- 24 payof members and oiilcers ... 425 “'°"“ ""““"‘ ”g"· ····‘••‘ . ‘‘‘‘ . " 4 hgngg of dggegnggs, numbgr, qua]. jI.lSII(!0S of {IIC PC800, legislative ifications, and residence of members., . 420 ¤¤¤¤¤¤l>ly may P‘"°""l° f‘·”` th° “l’P°m°` uppordenmem for mc election of ment ot as many ss rnny he nccessttry 424 dclfigates. . . .. , .,,,, 420 may define their _]lll‘l$(1lOtl0l’l and pretime tm;] Phu, of gn; elcction_ _420, 42; srrtbe their duties . . I . 424 of gmt meeting _ _ __ ____ 42] not to hnve _)\1l`lSdl('t10II where title to subsequent elections and meet- land is in dispute. I .. . 424 ings ... . .. 421 nor where the claim exceeds plurality vote to elect .. . . . 421 $lQ0 m values .. t. . . 424 provision in case of tt tie vote, or va- those now in commission, to continue ezmcv . 421 m office until, &c.. _ ... _. . . 424 at opening of `each new assembly, Dolnrirs pubIic,_ their appointsecrctury of the district to cull to ment, powers und tluttes . t . . . 424 order and to preside until, &c . 422 those now in comnnsuon to continue rights, &c. nf' members. . . . 422 _ in office until, &c. . .· . .. r . . 424 who may not he members .. 421, 423 jlldlciul curnrns to remain as now pity of members and of officers . 425 organized until, &c .. ,2. . 424 up ortionment {ltr nppointment of mem- the practice tlt-creof niny be xnndihed 424 bers of the council und clcction of mem- additional Jurisdiction may be conbers of the house of delegates . . . .. 420 ferrcd .. _ ... 424 election of delegates .. 420, 42i b0IlI‘d of hea Ilh, appointment, three town=hips' may be tntulc .. 42l powers und duties of . 424, 425 election of township officers 42l I‘|*£IS|€l‘ 0I` hills and recorder of v0t.•·rs, and their qualitications ... 421 deeds, offices and dutiesof, to remain as right of snffritgc not to be limited or now, until modttied by Congress . . . 425 abridged .. 42l additional duties muy lie imposed . 425 appropriations and appropriation bills.. . 422 Unltvd status attorney and provision us to ( isbursoments of 426 Illilfshul, officvs and dimes to rc— no dvbts, by which, &c. tc be con- main ns now, nntilmctlificd by Congress 425 tmcted unless, Src . ... . . 422 additional dutcs may be imposed . 425 law authorizing, to be submitted to c0rp0|'uIi0ns may be created, &.c. _ the people .. . ,... . . 422 by general luwlbr certain purposes 425 z t0 be publi~hed in at least two powers to be limi ed to the district... 425 newspapers, for at least three p8lIp4‘I‘S, assembly to define by law month-: prior to the vote.-I22, 423 who shall be entitled to xcliefns .. 425 _ tocontuin provision for the pay- money to be raised by taxation for l ment of tho interest by u tux their support und muintenant c 425 to belcvied, &e . 423 ministerial onicers, election or tn receive a majority of the votes appointment of sui h as ure necessary to cast for members of the legis- be provided for by law .. 425 lntive msembly ... .·. 422 duties, terms ofofticc sind phy. . 425 E money not to be horvmved or bonds 0ulh of officc of the vmious officei-s.. . 425 issued except authorized by special to he certified and rceot ded 425 wet of assembly . 424 all civil officcrs totuke oath 425 act to be passed by a two-thirds s:\Iau‘icS of governor and secretary vote .. 424 and pn of officcrs and members of the { and to be submitted to st vote of nssenibly ... 425, 426 the pcoplc, if, &c . . . 42l dclvglllli to the House of Represenm- i credit of the district not to be loaned, tives, quttliflcutions, and election of. . . 426 &c.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 423 first election mul subsequent elecspeciul laws not to be passed in certain tions .. 426 g specified case-: .. 423 plurality to clcct . . 426 special taxes may be levied in particular disbtnstnt; cmters, nhn nrc required to g sections, wards, &c . . 424 givc secnrit , to give it. as the Secreproperty not included in Washington or tary of the ’¥I'6llSlll‘}’ muy prescribe .. . 426 3 Georgetown not to be taxed lor streets, valuation ofcertnin property of the United erexpendtures of a local nature for the States to be mudc and returned every 5 exclusive benefit of said cities 424 five venrs . . 426 in Georgetown not to be taxed for boat'}! 0I' public Works, of whom debts contracted byWashingt0¤, &<=· 424 to consist ,... . . 426, 427 in Washington not tube taxed fOr appointment, qualifications, residebts contracted by Georgetown. . 424 dence ..,.. 427 neither city to he taxed for the exclu- term of office ..,.. 427 sive benefit of the county 0l1tSld6 powers and duties and pay . 427 their limits . .. _.. 424 bcttcrmenrs ... 427 frac ScI|00IS. system 0£ to be mum- contracts made by them ... 427 tained lbr the education of the youth of annual report 427 i th6d.lBl.1`1CD•..····»•··{·.•·• 424 thegoyerngyor unyarmyomcarm