Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1260

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1226 INDEX. Harbors, (continued.) Hayderfs Geolqqical Survey of the T erritories, Saint Joseph, Michigan 224, 539 approprlatiotnaifor . 306, 503 Sandusky ity, Ohio. . 224 Hays, Mrs. Annie . Snugatuck, Michigan .. 224, 539 pension ol, increased . . . ... 654 Sheboygan, Wisconsin., ... 223 538 Hayti _ South Haven, Michigan . 224; 539 appropriations for diplomatic urtervotgsg 411 Su erior City Wisconsin. .. 223 538 with ... , Toledo, Maumee Buy, Ohio. . . .224; 539 Headqteaiters _ Two Rivers, Wisconsin. . .. 538 of the General of the army, law establish- Wcstport, Connecticut .. . . 226 ing, at Washitigtoii, &c. repealed . 319 Wltite River, Michigan 224, 539 Hea/d,Joseph G., H Wglmington, Delaware .. . .,226, 541 provision lor payment of award in favor 20 arbors an Rfvt·rs, of . . . . appropriations for the repairs, &e. of pub· Heath, [tube:-t, _ lic works on. . .223-227, 538 —543 payment t0, forpservices. . . . . . . . . .. 680 for surveys, Sue. for improvement of} Heating and Vetztzlatton 500 515 on the coasts, lakes, and rivers of the Senate chamber , and not specilically provided for..' 542 H hall of the House 01`Representatives 501 for examinations and surveys to be eating, Apparatus made at various points .. 542 H pppropripioné for ·... · ·-·· U, 234, 296, 479 unexpended balances of former ap- etytlstown 1 ew ersegq, _ propriation, renppropriated for the cottdenined ordnance grunted for soltlters’ . purposes several y specified in that monument at .. . ... 391 act ... 543 no expense to government for transporta- Harman, 1V ttlittm H. tion ..., . . . 391 internal revenue tax remitted to 641 Heintzebnan, Bnevet }|I1gm·-(Imam] S'. P., Harmon, Joseph, may be placed upon the retired list of the payment to, for military services ... 636 armv .. 54 Harman, Alalinda, Helena, Arkansas, widow of J ucob Harmon, payment t0. . . 679 terms of the district court of the United Hd7]28T’S Ferry States to be held at . 471 472 appropriation for repairs of the enclosure but not until suitable rooms are pro: of the cemetery of . 592 vided by &e.. . 472 “ Harriet Lane," [he Revenue (hater, Helper, Hin/on Rowzin, payment to Captain John Faunee and accounts of to be settled ... 648 other oriieers ol' the, of certain diner- Hemp, Ba/td, J ence of pay 670 how and when may he carried on passen- Harris. Arnnld, ger stentners . . . 441 heirs, &c. of, to be released from liability Ilendersen, T homes, as sureties of William G. Kendall 634 may enter certain lands in Wayne Coun- Harrison uml Dardanelle Lund District W Michivan . .. 647 in Arkansas, established , . . . 277 Hesse. Giwnd [)i:ch_y ty', boundaries of. . . . 277 ll'¢’lIIy between the, and the United register and receiver ... 277, 278 States of August 1, 1868, concerning their residence, duties, pay . 278 naturalization and the citizenship of Hart, Anna R, _ em grunts . . 743 pension to ... . ... 698 when citizens of the, are to be treated as Havelty, Anthony D., ~ Amvrit an citizens .. 744 pension to . ... 698 when American citizens are to be treated Hawaii as citiz- ns of the . ... 744 postal convention with, of May 4, 1870 declaration of intent not to efibet 1113, 1114 naturalization .. 744 correspondence to be exchanged and by naturalized citizens liuhle on return to what means .. . .. 1113 their original country, for oH'enee·s comto inelnde what . . 1 I I3 mitted before cminrntion . 744 offices of exchange for mails ., . 1113 convention of 16thrJune, 1852, for the ex nses of sea conveyance of mails how mutual extradition of fugitives f'» om dleifrayed ... . . . .1113 justice, not ehnngzcd ..l... 744, 745 no accounts to be kept 1113 when nu nralized citizens of either couneuch country to retain what it cel- try shall be held to have renounced lects .. 1113 their namrnlization .. 745 rates of letter postage established ... 1113 when the intent not to retum shall be tn be prepaid . ... 1113 heltl to exist . . .. 745 if not fully prepaid, not to he for- when eonvention goes into eficvt and how war-ded 1113 long to continue 745 postage on newspapers and other printed when to be ratified and ramifications m ttrer 1113 exehatnged ... . . . 745, 746 letters to and f'·nm foreign countries, from exenution. ratifi<·ation, proclamation . 7 46 and {br Hawaii . . .. 1113, 1114 Hetze/I, Captain A. R., letters, how to be stamped.& .. . . I 1l4 H hsureties of, released from liability 675, 676 dead letters newspapers, e. to re- ty ways, turned. . .’. . . . . ... 1114 acgo establish eertain free, public, in the detailed regulations may he madel .. 1 I 14 istruct of Columbia ... . 586 when convention takes effect. . . 1114 over Columbia tnrnpike-road ... 586