Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1279

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INDEX. 1245 LW Preservers, · H . . _ or tloms, certain steumers to lm,ve...443 455 Ld p,Mg’f(c°mmued', · Lwwwing Smmms} , port o _ the commissioner of patents, on the coast of Long Island and New apg;:£;TI:§s{!: 33’478 Jersey, appropriations for 292, 496 &c for Senilte a Od 1; I 0gmFhmg’ L_ ,3*1 N=*1g:§¢:]¤=50t¤ beach, appropriation {0,. 5I3 resénmtives n °¤¤¢ 0 Rep- sm ag agmpriotions for clerks, &c. of . 288, 483 nldaeitadidpzegnnlielregildzsg ci”s:sS`t}rv€l,1' 233 to mark all government pier-heads on use of Con ress tob Emli on 6 northern. &e. lakes .. .. ._ 309 Lithograp/is g ’ G plmw y '`` 233 Lighthouse Establishment, provlsionsres ctiu t . L@h;pp;;p¤·i¤i¤¤S for ¢>Xp¤¤S¢¤ of · -803, 507, 517 conveptipn pwiith gigtstulgiigilnw 857 . *lgium . 923 924 928 erection ofQ on the coast of Ore n, not wit e · -- ’ to be delaryed for want of thegdmseut with the Mmh German Umggé 35*

2it;"z}SF3i‘i‘t‘T?.?*E F? €‘t° P*“°*"*“ “ 51 g·~*>~ - 1005-·¤¤7» wee

Lt,tt,..m, Btw, and sm.,, will tt1‘l€§I.;2£.££?‘ i5‘é?Jil8€Z’ {S2? appropriations lor. .297- 299, 303, 507, 510 — ° N ’ IMS _ 513, 517 with Venezuela .. . 1 ’ _ for repmrs ... . . .. 299 Little Calumet River I0`, Liyhilwufe T f114ers. certain unsold lands on, declared subject L_ inppioprmtnon for ... . . . . . . 513 to State lien for cost of drainage. ..,.. 187

  • .9 *%*2.% ____ may be surveyed und sold subject to

apitol, executive mansion, and public such lien . . I . . . .. . . 188 grounds, appropriations for ... 301, 504 Little Osage tribe of Indians. _ hall of the House of Representatives 312 See Osage Indians. Lights. See Steam Vessels. bona (ide settlers on certain lands uc uired . . q what to be carried by river steamers on from, may purchase the some. 55 waters flowing into the Gulf of Mexico school lands and vested rights 55 56 and their tributaries . 453, 454 provisions concerning the removal and ’ by boats anchored, &c. in the chan- lands of . . 362 nel, Sec. of any bay, harbor, &c.. . 454 Little Rock and Fort Smith [tai/road Company, by coasting and lake steamers .. 454 time for completion by, of first section of ferry·boats . .. 454 twenty miles of road extended 46 foremost headlight for steamships. .. -154 lands grunted to, to whom and how to be _ signal lights (br sailing vessels. . . . .. 459 sold . 46, 47 Light 'tution, re cal of proviso as to mode of sale of muy be established on Choptank river. .. 376 land in act to extend time, &c 76 Light Stations, , "Lit·e Oak," The Bark, appropriations for ... 297 -299, 510-513 American register may issue to .. 379, 380 Light essels, Loan Certwcates, appropriations for . 303, 507 act to provide for the redemption of the Limitations, three per cent. temporary .. . . 251 actions under copyright laws to becom- Secretary of the Tra usury to cancel cermcnced within two years . . . . . 215 win. .. 252 suit to recover back unlawful interest in may notify holders thm. they will not the District of Columbia. to be brought bear interest, nor be longer pmt of within one year . 91 money reserve .. 252 Lincoln, Helen and [Ie/oise, elier that time, interest not to be reservation of $2,500 each to, nom an- paid, &c. ... · .. .. 252 nuities of Kiowa Indians 877 Loans and Treasury Notes, provision in case of death .. 377 appropriations for expenses of .. 292,497 Lincoln, lllnqy, Local nspectors, I _ pension to . . .. 653 of steam vessels, appropriations for pay, Lincoln 1llunument Association, &c. of} and o1' clerks m local offices at at Springfield, 1|1., the stone presented by New York and New Orleans 291, 292, 496, the patriots of Rome to President Lin- _ . _ 516 coln, to be trunsferred to . 391 of hulls and boilers ot steamboots, provisdamaged oralnance to be placed at the ions concerning . . .. 443-4oS _ dxsposnlof . 391 bond of ... _ .. Y 4 .>8 Lmco/n Uzwerszty, _See Inspectors, ye. bteam Vessels. payment to . . . : ... . . . 315 Long Bridge, _ from what fund to bepaxd . 315 Baltimore and Potonntc Rmlxoacl Com- Line Ojficers, Nazy, pany may extend thetr track over. lol. provision as to rank and precedence of. . 537, may take possesnou ol and nee _. lbl 538 to keep in repaur uml free lor public Literary, gw. Societies, travel ... e. . ._ . _ . . . t . . 161 in the District of Columbia, general pro- to erect and mmntum drnwbr1dgcs.. 161, visions of law for establishing . 101, 102 _ __ 162 existing, may reincorporme themselves.. 101 other railroad companies may use szud Lithoqraphing, pridge; .. . . I .. : 162 deficiency appropriation for 86 United btatcs may tnkc possession ofQ lf 162 illustrations o1' machinery for annual re- not kept in repznr, free, &c . ..