Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1287

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Jluszb, Sheets of (continued ) · . - ’ · Nalwnal Bankin A` ‘ th _ · . g csomamns continued. wi tm {wah G°""°" Uulggggggi what bonds_ m be deittisited to setiure 252 with Imly. .1005 -1001,1001 1610,,101;; ncgzfggzlgiznment °° mis °f °°“‘ 252 “.iK'l Swi'zel_lan‘l ifa Y t. ...•¤•¤••••··•·:••••• Wn, in Nmttttts...mJtostmt, ,5552 Z$EZ.2'§'3L’§y”tZd?,2I’.L€l"“ °“° ,52 _ 1068 none hereafter or ized ha l • · ii with Venezuela .. . 1105 $500 000 circulagjm to vc over __ _ . , ·_· non ... , 252 Mgttzlli pllittsutum Company of the Dtstnct coinoptéoller of currency to report monthly act aznentling charter of ... 80 circulsgdiiigrdotgg t of 252

  • ¤§;1L;*=:O0g1}6%g8gm Tl0C0S may accumu- 80 tgcaucel oertgin three per cen:.

, s ... A loan cert; cams 252 , ,I _ _ •¤•••..·•.» I nitty wld real e¤tate_w_a1n0uut of $ 50,000 80 may noufy holders that they will um; JI uma! Imptotemeut poceeltes, _ bear interest nor be lonver art of may be formed nn the Distncl; of Colum- money reserve of bunk; P .252 ont, under general law ... l0|. 102 after that time interest not. extetmg, may retncurporate themselves. . 101 paid, Qc ____ __________ 252 Ljygy-S,) gltlttttts E., equitable distribution of currency how to penntun to ... 696 be secured ..,...,,,.,, , ,_,_____ _ _ _ _ Mg exgggséigcircugation, not exceeding $25,. , 0 to e withdrawn from banks. 253 N• staiementiof cireulatiofn in each State and , t to to a

 sc: >¤~·»~ v esse t S. Jil' Jimi  ‘}{‘f.°t. .'T" ‘Tl ““‘°““‘ m

of scctuubouts to be painted on stem and process of redistribution . on outside of pilot: or wheebhouse on comptroller to make requisition forthwith each side _ .. 453 for amount, &c. 253 of vessels of the United States not to be if banks fuil within a year, to return the changed, &c ... . ... 453 amount of circulation required, comp- ,Mu·my·mse/: Bay, troller to sell an equal amount of their appropriation for permanent defences at. 544 bonds, &c .. 253 Nas/tt·t!I4», [bun., no circulation to be withdrawn, until af- siteluf cuapom-house at, to be sold or mn- 369 after the S 54,000,000 are taken up . 253 e manger ... . . ter six months, an bank in a. State new site hir, muy be procured 369, 370 i having an excess ofihirculation may re- _ cost not to exceed proceeds of old,. . 370 move to Suite having less, &c 254 Nahanni .»tt·udemy of .Scieuees, amount of issue thereof not to be scicuznie operations of expeditions to the t deducted from amount of new is- North Pole to be prescribed in accord- I sue provided hereby . 254 ance with the advice of the ... 251 eirculuting notes payable in gold coin limitation to number of ordinar mem- mn beissucd to associations de osit— b 0 d y 277yU`cdSttesbodPt ers rem ve .. . mg m e tt n s paying m er- Nattonul Association of Destimte Colored Women est in gold . . . . . 252 o IVushin tan D. C, denominations and amount of .. 252 , 9 c' f 94 ci e lar` n of any such bank not to approprtn ton or . 2 r u to Natzozaal Asylum for Disabled Soldiers, exceed $1,000,000 .. . . . . 252 General Thomas Osborn appointed a nohlesti than tuetgtyi five per {eng. of manager of . 867 ctreu ation to ep: on an tn balmiee of certain fund to be credited to. 370 gold or silver .. 252 moneys withheld from volunteers borne gold notes of other such banks to be on the rolls as deserters, to be paid t0. 370 received at par Z 252 fund; belonging to it, for relief of sick Such associations to be sulnect to naand wounded soldiers, to be passed to .ttonal currency act, except &c. . .. 253 its credit. . . .,... . 370 mms " lawful money " and " lawful Lewis B. Gunckcl, Jay Cooke, and John money of the United Statee," how con· S. Cttveudcr appointed managers of... *180 strued in eonnecnon herewith...: . . . 253 Natiottttl Aqqlumjizr Disabled Volunferr Soldiers. that have gone, orslmll go, into ltqutdaat I) iyton,Ohio, condemned guns granted 7 ttonhto deposit lawful money for out- 2..4 to. . l `. 8 1 stan ing ctrculutton . t jl.ll'lS(l1<‘[l<)Il over place purchased for loca.- _ _ bonds then to be surrendered . . . 274 tron of in Ohio, ceded no that State.. 899 fatltng to make deposit! Snr: eotnptroller _ benelirs of act establishing, extended may sell ltonds utaucuon in Show Yell; 244 the disabled volunteer soldiers and sail- banks winding up to consoltdate vvxt _ ors of the war of 1812 and of the Mex- other banlcs eacempt herefrom 24 iczm war .. 599 assets audi liabilities of such banks to be 274 Nall0m!] Bmzlinq Assomittlions ‘ roporte _ .. 2. . z. . . 2. . . ... . . . penalty i¤fniding and iihettlug offivers, Natumal Bolwum Navtgntum Company, ms mq &c ot) in emhezzliug, 8:4:. the funds of. 7 act: to tnmrporate the . 68, 169 penalty ttpon officers, &c oi for embez- powers, duties, officers, &c. of .. 1 , zlenient of funds ...,.,.. 3 ..,. ‘. . l95 Abtional fjeitteierws, _ ds fil'ty-fout· millions ntl irionnl notes to ctr- _]ur1~dl(‘t.|0n. &c. of the Unite- tatessover eulsttion of ...,.,.,. 951 any, to thelpurehasc of which any tate ISS to what associations to be given. . . . 252 I has given ILS assent .