Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1293

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INDEX. 1259 New Orleans (continued.) New · ·. . spapers, (contrnued.) appruprxsmuns for custom-house 11.1..295, 509s -

 _ for office of assistant treasurer ac. .. 484 with me Netherland ..1068 10s5I  

hmres of port of entry of collection dis- with Canada _ 1096 N 0;;:1:: ofbzaiamnged. . . 2. 368 w11l1 Mexico . . 1099- 1102 ianadrczgllny n ugc, urgRaal- w11ln€1uatem;a.1a . . 1103 - ’ . 1 . .. 1 may connect with the Texas Pacific :1111 Hgngzggng. 1mi11mm Company at its eastern ter- wich Hawaii .. U H I-.1113 minus, and have rrght of way .. . . 579 with Brazil ... . . . . . . . 1111 {grant of lands tc, in aid of its construction 579 wizh Vunccuvefs Island and British ands 10 be withdrawn from market, &c.. 579 Columbia. .. . 1115 whole road to pe completed in Hvweers. 579 with Salvador. ... . 19 Neg $1-leans, Opelousas, and Gm eslem wigh 1:18 golonial government o1`Ncw eu , _ _ _ ca an ... 1121 lands granted to Lounsmnu m aid of the, to be sem in narrow bands 11.1111 covers. .1110, and not lawfully disposed of} declared 1119 forfcized z0_¤he _ nined States 277 New Yea1·’s Day, Newport and Gimznnaqz Bridge Company, to be a holiday in the District of Columnor to proceed nn the erecnon of the bla ... . . .. 168 bridge over the Ohio river, from Cin- New York, cinnati to Newport, unless, &c 572, 573 post-ron11s established in 73, 288, 465 bridge 1:0 be n lawful structure and post- provisions ofact, allowing entry of ponds route, when, &c .. . . 573 for imnnedime transportation, extended plan for ehanges co be approved by the to che porn of ... 270, 271 Secretary of War . .. 573 New York Cay, when changes are made, company may appropriations for 0H1w of assistant treasfile its hill in c1rcu1¤<·our1z. ... 573 urcr at . . . . .239, 483 court to decide whu.1: .. 573 for checks and certificates of deposit to proceed as in equiry 573 at oH·1ee of .. 240, 485 appeal K0 the Supreme Court . .. 573 for assay cliice at .. 241, 485 if Hna.1 decree is in favor of the com- for court-house and p0st·0111ca at.85, 295, pany, the Secretary of the' Treas- _ 509, 515 sury 10 pay the amount of the dc- conditions of appropriation. .85, 252; cree .. . 573 296, no money no be paid, except for naval hospital at ... 532, 533 upon Gnu! decree. .. . 578 for naval laboratory at 533 .Ncws0me, James, for barge omce at . 2 ... 896 payment Lo, for services .. . . . . . 680 for navy yard at. .302, 322, 326, 327, 583 .Ncwspapers, New Zealand, _ _ _ no advertisement, &c. for any 0111ce mn- postal convention Wl1h the colcnml govnected with any executive department ernment ol`, August 3 and October 5, of the government to be published m, 1870 . 1121,1123 except, &c ... . . :228, 308, 571 correspondence to be exchanged 1121 obsolenc provisions of postal convention officcsof exchange 1121 with brent Britain concerning 785, 786, no accounts to be kept._ ... _ ..., 1121 808, 812, 833 - 835, 839, 840 each country to rcmm what in collec¤s1121 English, in the United States .. H6 rates of letter post11ge...: ... 1121 American, in Great Britain 7;; letters unpmrl grdnnsumcnenaly pm , notnm f ... .. 8 to he orwnr e ..., . _ . §:g1i?li1n1e$1?t113t rloozgéiliiilwlered. .. 834 fully prepaid, to be dehvercd w1t11ou:u22 existing rovisions of p0s1:n1<·011ven11nns c urge ... 1 21, HQ3 with (great: Britain concerning 850, 851, 11ow1o_bc stumped .1 .. .. 856, 857, 860-862 IHS11i11C1C11i1y pz11d enters, ow to 1123 postage no he prepaid . .. .. . . 852 stampedx .0: ,... . ... I 121 prol1ibin·d, nor so be d¢·11vered .. 852 newSp¤p<§l‘§, PGS ¤.,¢ · · - d pomngeto be eq1n1llydiv1dcd between prnvmons as to, ana 0 1 p um the mwo counmes ... mmm rnagenéé yl; Ugg by closed mails . .. 1 · _. _ 1 - .·,. · - · 1 ot {T1111S1E postswe .. 1122

  • °‘2$.€S§“'“ °°‘{'T'?T€?‘?'FT‘?T‘?T‘.T‘T'. 222 N.22‘*kiZ1222 ,22222122;.2 .22222 22.1122

11 1 h` -1 c nnoz be delivered 859 (‘0\\YI11S . . .. 2 . I bsolciii; ’rv¢ivi;i0u:01` posral ¢·onvcm.i0ns accounm to he $011.100 q1m1‘1c11y. . .. . . 1 22 01 .0) 1 ium concernin 901- 904, 918- it any Auszmlmn colony docs nn1 conwln c g g 921 trilnnw to n1ai11t111n the lineffot mm1- . . . · he Ncw Zealan 0 me may sr' r¤v1sions of postal convennons packets, 1 _ eX;1V.1;r1;gB¥él,Q1U111 concerning 923 - 925, 552:6; to T02t9h1I2g "*Zl1E'2°JI‘1?.§‘.g"";‘:;:::;·::;::: 222 22222.222.-22122 . _ .. . .. 1122 xiirh Pru— sia I . . 2.-· 964, 966 !`€{·Il$U`:’ 1011 {YC-; · · '` " · .` I i ·0, 982, dn; il- regu auons e with the Nom) Gaiman Ugg); S35, 1003 N 2;:21}:1 11-;:e1,·e to be returned monthly, &c. 1123 `th It 1 1005-1007 1009, 1010, 1014 ez erccs ·7Z(1¤HlS, i 5 F56 xish Swiigerland 1031 L 1033, 1035, 1036 [ approprmucu for che.. 26, 316, 347, 55 a