Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/134

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100 FOB/1`Y—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 80. 1870. period stated in the certificate aforesaid. At the expiration of their term Religious s¤ci~ of service and forever thei·eafLer at the expiration of the tcrrn of service “l°s· i of any trustee elected or appointed as 3fol`CS8lCi, the said society or con- Successors. gregation shall elect or appoint successors, who shall m like manner continue in office for such period as may be limited by the society or congre- C°'*m°¤*°:&°· gation; and a certificate of their appointment or election shall be made by the trustees whose term of service shall have eecpired, which shall be verified by affidavit and filed and recorded as provided IH the election of ofiiccrs in the first instance. lowers and The trustees elected or appointed under the provisions of this division, mg? °f °““' ard their sufceisgrs, shall have yserpegual succession ago; cxistenceénnd t. ie tit e to an erein aut iorize to e purc ase , an o t ie ui ings und improvements thereon, shall be vested in the said trustees by their assumed name and their successors forever; and the same shall be hel;} for the uses and purposes herein gained ang no itlieg; aéndsuch trustee? shall be ca able in law to sue an be sue , imp ea an e imp ea e , answer andpbe answered unto, defend and be defended, in all courts of law or equity whatsoever, in and by the name and style assumed, as aforesaid; Conveyimces and shall have power under the direction of the society or congregation OV the P’°P°’°Y to sell and execute deeds and convcyunces of and concerning the estate °f nm S°°'°ty' and property herein authorized to be held by said society or congregation; and such deeds or conveyanees shall have the same effect as like deeds or Pmvm conveyanees made by natural persons: Provided, That no deed or convey- ` ance shall be made of any estate held as aforesaid, so as to defeat or dc— stroy the interest or eH`ect of any grant, donation, or bequest. which may be made to any such society or congregation ; but all grants, donations, and bequests, shall be appropriated and used as directed by the person or persons making the same. Vacancies. Every s0ciety or C0l]gl‘(?gHtl0ll foTm€d as aforesaid shall have power to provide for filling vacancies which may happen m the office ot trustee, m£%’;';;£z;*;‘ and also to rernove trustees from office, and to adopt such rules and regu- RuleSu¤dggg_1at,1oiis1i1 relation to the duties of trustees, and the management of its ulnnicns- estate as the members may deem proper, not inconsistent with the Consti-

 tution of the United States, and laws in force in the District of Columbia.

ti£P';';O‘;;;:§"{0 Upon the dissolution of any society or congregation formed under the w,é,t,&¤_ provisions of this division, the estate and property of such society or congregation shall revert back to the persons, their heirs and assigns, who

 may have given or contributed to the purchase of or payment for the

elgggxgggs not same, according to thelr respective rights. J? fiailuge to elect og zappoint to mum mmm_ rus ees a any 1me w en, y 18 provisions o t is ivision, suc e ection Horn. or appointment should be had, shall not work a dissolution of the society hOm‘°g';;;;“ ;‘;1m or congregation; but the trustees last elected or appointed shall be con- &c.; sidered as in office until another election or appointment shall take place. mgfsgy °;;°g‘:$’ The trustees now in office, or those who may hereafter be appointed or mmigg elected under the provisions of this division, shall have power, under the direction of the society or congregation by whom they were elected or appointed, to execute mortgages, or deeds of trust in the nature of mortgages, of and concerning the estate and roperty whichany society or congregation are authorized by this divisioi)1 to hold, or to lease the same

     fora term not exceeding ten years. And such mortgages, deeds, and

9 °¤ Bm · conveyances shall have the same effect and be enforced bv the same remedies and proceedings as like mortgages, deeds, leases, and conveyanees made by natural persons, anything in this division to the contrary notwithstan ing. m5;’;;**;g The provisions of this division are intended to extend to members of ugiouspurpom; societies heret0i"ore or hereafter to be formed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining private schools for religious purposes. but not umm This act shall not be so construed as conferring privileges or any ben- °°h°°l lem- efits to such societies under the school laws of this District.