Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/153

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FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Ssss. II. Ch. 88, 89, 90, 91. 1870.. 119 located within the limits of the land grant made by the United States to 185% 9h- 28- aid in its construction: Provided, however, That said line shall not be I0- 18g21h? igg sg], cated farther south than the so[u]t.hern boundary line of township number Vol: xiii. ${00. seven, in said State, and said change shall not impair the rights to, nor ¥i4¤'€‘l·1 °h§_,:* change the locgztion of the said land grant, and the said company, or its (i:;.;;;,?' assigns, shall receive no different or other or greater quantity of land than if this act had not passed, and no change had been made in the located line of said railroad. Approved, May 6, 1870. CHAP. LXXXIX. j An Act to qmend an Act entitled "An Act to enforce Mechan1Z·s’ May 6, 1870. Lzens on Buzldmgs in the District of Columbia." Be it enacted by t/1e Senate and House of Representatives of the United VOL m` p` S"` States ¢y" America in Uzmgress assembled, That any sub-contractor, journey- Lien of Subman, or laborer employed in the construction or repairing of any build- §g;';Q°g’;“*J:‘ ing, or in furnishing any materials or machinery for the same, may give, buildihgs ih the at any time, the owner thereof notice in writing, particularly setting forth })i¤*gl°* of C°· the amount of his claim and the service rendered, for which his employer fgé E},_°w °r°` is indebted to him, and that he holds the owner responsible for the same, ’ and the owner of the building shall be liable for such claim, but not. to exceed the amount due from him to the employer at the time of notice, or subsequently, which may be recovered in an action. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That whenever any sub·c0¤tracmr, Owner my ` r · · l borer shall re ver an uch lfrom the owner of °°€°E°l"‘““° J0\1I`H8)mdIl,Ol a co y s c mm pm &c_ the building, the same may be set off by such owner in any action brought ’ against him by the person who otherwise would be entitled to recover the same under the contract. A1>1>u0v1·:1>, May 6, 1870. CHAP. XC. -—An Act to amend om Act entitled “An Ac! to incorporate the Freedman? May 6, 1870. Savings and Trust C'ompuny," approved Blarciz third, elqhtem hundred and siztygive. Be it enacted by the Senate Lmd House of Representative: of the United VOL xm` P` HL States of America in Congress assembled, That the fifth section of the act entitled “An act to incorporate the Frcedman’s Savings and Trust Com- S}_£l’:°dm“g°' . , · gH SD pany," approved March third, enghteen hundred and sxxty-five, be, and Trust Company the same is hereby, amended by adding thereto at the end thereof the rrmyinveslin words following: "And to the extent of one half in bonds or notes, se- ’“°"g°g°" cured by mortgage on real estate in double the value of the loan; and _ the corporation is also authorized hereby to hold and improve the real w;“,:g;Q,’?§°,;°" estate HOW Owned by it in the city of Washington, to wit.: the west half realestate. of lot number three; all of lots four, five, six, seven, and the south half of lot number eight, in square number two hundred and twcm;y·0x1e, as laid out and recorded in the original plats or plan of said city: Ifromded, Proviso. That said corporation shall not use the principal of any deposits made with it for the purpose of such improvement? _ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Congress shall have the rnght mggdmgz *>° to alter or repeal this amendment at any time.° Approved, May 6, 1870. CHAP. XCI. -— An Ac: to amend an Ae: enmled “An Ac: zo establish in the District q" May 6, 12s7g__ Columbia a House of Correction for Boys," approved July twenty-_/ive, eighteen hundred ’ig53,·ch_ 353, and sg,,ty,S;_,_._ Vol. xxv. p. 282. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represeniatives of the [Pulled . Stale.: of America in Congress assembled, That the board of truetees of tegtgggsw the house of correction, which shall hereafter be known and desxgpatcd correction mba as the Reform Sohool of she District of Columbia, may, at thexr d¤scre— pow; is lie} tion, receive, take, and keep in their exclusive care, control, and custody: °"¤ <> °° °