Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/169

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FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Ch. 109. 1870. 135 or cars thereon shall make not less than eight trips each way per day during six days in each week. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall provide Passenger such passenger rooms, ticket officers, [offices,] stables, and depots at such '°°m“~&°· points as the business of the railroad and the.convenience of the public may require. And said company is hereby authorized to lay such rails Connecting through transverse or other streets or roads as may be necessary for the mwksexclusive purpose of connecting the said stables and depots with the main tracks; and the said company is hereby authorized to purchase or lease L,_¤ds_ such lands or buildings as may be necessary for the passenger rooms, ticket offices, stables, and depots above mentioned. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That all articles of value that may Articles left in be inadvertently left in any of the cars or other vehicles of said company °”“» h°W °°"°d shall be taken to its principal depot and entered in abook of record of un- fm" claimed goods, which book shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable hours of business. Sec. 13. And be it jim}/zer enacted, That within thirty days after the Subscription passage of this act, the corporators named in the first section, or a ma- *° ¤¤Pll¤l¤¤>°k· jority of them, or if any refuse to act, then a majority of the remainder, shall cause books of subscription to the capital stock of said company t0 be opened, and kept open, in some convenient and accessible place or places in the city of Washington for a period to be fixed by said corporators, not less than two days; and said corporators shall give public notice by advertisement in not less than two daily papers published in the city of \Vashington, of the time when and the place where said books shall be opened; and subscribers upon said books to the capital stock of the subscribm-sto company shall be held to be stockholders: Provided, That no one indi- be S¤<>¢§¤h<>ld¤¤S· vidual shall be allowed to subscribe for more than two hundred shares of 1»;‘,;$;,'i°;j_m,0 said stock: Provided further, That every subscriber shall pay, at the per cent. ofsubtime of subscribing, twentydive per centum of the amount by him sub- *“€K’“€';.*° b°f scribed to the treasurer appointed by the corporators, or his subscription g$t;S;ib;2; 0 shall be null and void. It, at the end of two days, a larger amount than Appomom the capital stock of said company shall have been subscribed, the books ment of capital shall be closed, and the said corporators named in the first section shall “°°k‘ forthwith proceed to apportion said capital stock among the subscribers pro rata, and make public proclamation of the number of shares allotted to each, which shall be done and completed on the same day the books are closed: Providcdjicrtber, That nothing shall be received in payment Payment. of the twentydive per centum, at the time of subscribing, except money. And when the books of subscription of the capital stock of said company shall be closed, the corporators named in the first section, or a majority of them, and, in case any of them refuse or neglect to act, then a majority of the remainder-, shall, within ten days tlxereafter, call the first mm meeting meeting of the stockholders of said company, to meet within ten days of S¢0<=kh¤ld¢¤‘S· thereafter, for the choice of seven directors, of which public notice shall Directors, be given for five days in not less than two public newspapers published daily in the city of Washington, or by written or printed personal notice to each stockholder by the clerk of the corporation. And in all meetings Votes and of stockholders each share shall entitle the holder to one vote, to be given P’°X’°’· in person or by proxy. _ _ Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the government and direction Board or aa- 0f the aflairs of the company shall be vested in a board of directors, ;*;$‘;;i»I;';}“b°’ seven in number, who shall be stockholders, and who shall hold their Omw office for one year and until others are duly elected and qualified to take their places as directors. And the said directors (a majority of whom, the president being one, shall constitute a quorum) shall elect one of their President, number to be president of the board, who shall also Abe president of the t\‘°aS¤'°¤ &°· company; and they shall also choose a treasurer, who shall. give bonds, Bond. with security, to said company in such sum as the said directors may