Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/192

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158 FORTY·—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 134, 135. 1870. BY·l¤W¤- they shall have full power to make and prescribe such by-laws, rules, and regulations, as may become proper and necessstry for themanagement of the property and interests of said society not contrary to this charter or the lows of the United States. This Ml may Sec. 5. And be £t_f}¢rt/zcr enacted, That Congress shall have the right b° ull8m!' &°' to amend, alter, or repeal this act ni, any time. Approved, June 21, 1870. June 21, 1870. CHAP. CXX4Y.V.*A11 Act to incorpomtc an Association fw the Prevention of Cruelty " “”"’_"' I0 .'lIIl·IIl(l[5 in A/ze District Ccfumbfa, Bc ii enacted by thz: Senate and House of Representatives of the United AS$<>ciMiq¤l`0r States of America in C' assembled, That N. P. Chipman, J. P.

lQ°Clr;`g§‘l,;"‘ Newman, B. Peyton Brown, John A. L. Morrell, Mztthew G. Emery,

Animnlsincor- Joseph H. Bratdlcy, senior, \Villio.m R. "Woodwnrd. E. Wliittlesiey, War- P°“**°<l· ren Choate, Andrew B. Duvall, A. S. Solomons, WV. G. Metzerott, Alexamlcr R. Shcppcrd, S. J. Bowen, H. M. Sweeney, Benjamin E. Gittings, \Villium Tucker, Charles II. Lane, \V. Burris, William McPhccters, E. F. M. Fuehtz, J. L. Gatchel, John R. Elvans, Edgar I. Boorztem, L. H. Hopkins, Thomas P. Keene, NV. D. Blackford, F. H. Day, J. Sayles Brown, \Villium Lttnborn, E. L. Corbin, N. A. lVcst, John R. Arrison, WV. A. Furlee, Benjamin F. Fuller, Robert A. Slater, Alonzo Bell, A. T. Kinney, John J. Jett, A. M. Scott, A. C. White, A. E. Newton, A. S. Taylor, William II. Rowe, Robert Reyburn,W. H. Slater, John C. Parker, \Villiam J. Wilson, S. S. Baker, A. Jones, S. R. Bond, John F. Cook, D. W'. Anderson, George A. Hull, Charles Il. Moulton, John Edwin lllusou, Allison Nailor, junior, David A. Burr, T. C. Grey, R. II. Marsh, Thomas Perry, George F. Gulick, and Theodore F. Gotchcl, all of the District of Columbia, and such other persons its may be associated with them in conformity to this act, and their successors duly chosen, are hereby constituted uml created it body corporate in the District of Columbia, to be known as the Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 0f5cm; Sino. 2. And be it fw·ther enacted', That the officers of said corporation shull consist of tt president, five vice-presidents, one secretary, one treasurer, an executive committee of eleven members, and such other officers as slmll from time to time seem necessary to this society. MW <>b0S¢¤· Suze. 3. And be it further enacted, That the foregoing officers shall be chosen from among the members of the society. BY·1¤W¤· See. 4. And be it fiarilzer enacted, That the said society, for fixing the terms of admission of its members, for the government of the same, for the election, changing, and altering the officers above named, and for the general regulation and management of its ttfiztirs, shall have power to fbrm a code of by-laws, not inconsistent with the laws of the District of Columbia, or of the United States, which code, when formed and adopted at zt regular meeting, shall, until modified or rescinded, be equally binding sts this act upon the society, its officers, and members. {0;:-iE;°¤l;n$€ig£‘ Site. 5. {fuel be it further enacted, That the police Force of the District p,.0‘,;S§m mm] of Columbia. shall, upon application of any member of the association, ceruing. who shall have viewed any violation of the law or ordinances of the city for the prevention of cruelty to v.nim_als, arrest offending parties without zi warrant, who shall be taken by such police officer before at justice of the peace for trial; and the proper evidence of such membership to at police oflicer shall be the exhibition of a badge or certificate of membership. Fines howdis- Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That one half of all the fines c0l» P°*°d Oli lected through the instrumentality of the society or its agents, for violations of such laws, shall accrue to the benefit of said society, and the other half to the school fund of said city or district in which the offence is committed.