Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/20

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xx LIST OE THE PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Page [No. 29.] Investigation of alleged Oulrages in Southern States. A resolution approplriating money to defray the expenses of the select committee of the Senate appointed to investigate alleged outrages in the Southern States. February 10, 18:1 . . . I .. , . . 596 [N0. 30.] Chattanooga Rolling-Mill Property. A resolution authorizing the sale of the Chattanooga rolling-mill property at Chattanooga, Tennessee, to the bouthwesternlron Company. February 14, 1871. . . .. 596 [No. 31 Joshua Bishop. Joint resolution in favor of Joshua Bishop, lute lieutenant-commander nitcd States navy. February 14, 1871 597 [N0. 33.] John N Quan/cenbush. A resolution for the relief of Lieutenant-Commander John N. Quackenbush. February 16, 1871 . Z. . .. .. . 597 [No. 34.] Wil/ian: L. Hanscom. A resolution to authorize the President to permit Willmtn L. Hanscom, late a. naval constructor of the navytof the United States, to withraw his resignation of thut office. February 16, 1871 .. 597 [No. 36.] Distribution of Public Documents. Joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to dispose of certain documents. February 17, 1871 .. . . 597 [No. 39.] Farmers’ Naliomzl Bank of Fort Edward. Joint resolution suthorizing the I*:armers’ National Bank of Fort Edward, New York, to change its location und name. laebruury 598 18 1871 .. . . [No. 40.2; Lower Mississippi A resolution authorizing watcrganges be established und 0 iervntions to be made upon the Mississippi river and its principal tributaries, with sn. view to obtaining information required for the protection of the alluvial lands against overflow and for the improvement of navigation. February 21, 1871 .. 598 [No. 42.] John E. Hagerty. Joint resolution for the relief of John E. Hagerty of St. Louis, Missouri. February 24, l87l . . ... 598 [No. 45.] National Asylum for disabled Pblunteer Soldiers. J oint resolution to extend the benefit of the act establishing the National As lum for disabled volunteer soldiers to the disabled soldiers and suilors of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve and the Mexican war. February 28, 1871 ... 599 [N0. 47.] Portage Lake and Lake Suqerior Ship Canal. Joint resolution extending the time for the completion of the Portage aka and Lake Superior ship canal. March 2, 1871 .. 599 [No. 48.] Bridge across the Wabash River. Joint resolution granting the Chicago and Illinois Southern Railroad Company the right to build a. bridge across the Wabash river and declaring the same n post-road. March 3, 1871 . .., 599 [No. 49.2) Duplicates q/' Lost or destroyed registered Bonds. Joint resolution to enable owners to ogtuin duplicates of lost and destroyed registered bonds of the United States. March 3,

. . . ... ° . . . ... 600

[No. 50] Claims jbr Steambaats, §··c. Aresolution to amend a. "Joint resolution relating to stenmbouts und other vessels owned in the loyal St¤tcs," approved December twenty-three, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. March 3, 1871.. . . ... . . 600 [No. 51.] Lyman Spauldirgq. A resolution nutborizing the President to nominate and by and with t c advnennd consent of the Senate, to appoint Lyman G. Spaulding 2. master in the nnvy of the United States. March 3, 1871 . . . . . . 600 [No. 5%.gnPublic Lands. A resolution for the relief of settlers on the public lands. Merch 3, ... . ... 601 [No. 53.] Vinegar ma¢Ie_fi·am fermented Liquids. Joint resolution to amend section four, act of July twenty, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. March 8, 1871. . .: . ... 601 [No. 54.] Henrsy O. Keene and Bradbury. A resolution authorizing the nomination stud ntnpomtment to the retired list of the navy of certain volunteer officers on the active list o the navy who are disabled m consequence of wounds received during the lute war. Mnrch.3, 1871 . .. 601 [No. 55.1. Library of Congress and Botanic Garden. A. resolution relating to balances of approptmttons for the 11 rury of Congress and Botanic Garden. March 3; 1871 . . 601