Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/231

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FORTYAFIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 228, 229. 1870. 197 cemmissioners, and if said railroad company shall not construct that por- P°’*i°'? °f ¥’“°‘ tion of Sald work with the same material, except between the rails and m°°t’ 1f' &°'; between the tracks, and in as satisfactory a manner, and as rapidly as the residue of said work shall be constructed, then the same shall be constructed under the direction of said commissioners in the same manner as the other portion of said work. The said railroad company shall ““d.“l°°t HN have the right to select the material with which the pavement between mmmh the rails and between the tracks shall be made : Provided, That the said P · pavement on said tracks shall be made to the satisfaction of the commis- mmosioners. The lessees of Market Square between Seventh and Ninth Lessees of streets shall pay for that portion of the pavement between said square M‘“k°“ “q““"° and the line two feet from the railroad track aforesaid. The portion of tugzllgfgintes the pavement lying between the Botanic gardens and a line two feet out- to my pmside of the track of the railroad company shall be paid for by the United States government: Provided, That the cost of laying such pavement Cost nottoexshall not exceed the sum of four dollars per square yard. "°°‘l» &°· Sec. 4. And be it furtherenaexed, That the assessment contemplated Assessment to in the foregoing section shall be made by the commission above author- be m."° by °°m' izedt and the sums so found due shall be collected and held, but as a gglogiglgw special fugdg by the collectoaof Washington, in accordance with existing g>g1ect<=d,h¤1d, aws; an themoneys so co ected and held shall be aid b him to the ' coigractorsfor the worliabove authorized on the warrgnt or ldrder of the san commission, in suc amounts and at such times as the ma deem safe and proper in view of the progress of the work. y y Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That if the Washington and George-- Proceedings if town Railroad Company, or any private citizen, or other corporation or PWM neglm person, shall neglect or refuse to pay the amount assessed for the paving ;§§;?;,,l:§;sgQ1° herein authorized (within thirty days after the notification of such assessment shall have been left at the property assessed) in fiont of 01* adjoining their property, when the work so fronting or adjoining their property shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the commission and assessed by them, the said commission shall issue certificates of indebted- Certificate of ness against the property, which certificates shall bear interest at the i“d‘?b“’d'*°S° rate of ten per centum per annum until paid, and which, until they are 2§;l?§;,:;h€,,p{,;pQ paid, shall remain and be 2. lien upon the property on or against which ii¤¤: they are issued. And if the said certificates are not paid within one if *10* lwidin year, the said commission shall, upon the application of the, holder :0y:;‘;{)fQ°§;°Y thereof; proceed to sell the property against which they are issued, or l ` so much thereof as may be necessary to pay said tax, such sales to be first duly advertised, daily, for three successive weeks, in some newspaper published in the city of Washixigton, and to be made at public auction to the highest bidder; and a deed given by the commission in Pmceedingsin pursuance hereof shall be deemed and held to be a good and perfect title S“°h °“°· to any property bought at such sale hereby authorized: Provided, That Right of rethe owner of said re:11 estate shall have the right to redeem the property d°""P"*°“· sold b pa ing the amount of urchase money and twenty per ceutum on theyamolint of the said purchgse within one year from the date of the sale. A.n>R0vm>, July S, 1870. CHAP. CCXXIX. —-An Act providing for refunding the Interest paid by the State of July 8, 1870- Massachusetts on Dloney expended by her on Account of the War of eighteen hundred and twelve to ezyhteen hundred andfjleen. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Allowance to States of America in Congress assembled, That: there be allowed on the of m?<{¢ upfqn claim of the State of Massachusetts, for interest paid by her on money Mggailflszm expended by said State on account of the war with Great Britain in for interest upon eighteen hundred and twelve to eighteen hundred and fifteen, the sum ;f£’Eg °XP€¤d·