Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/262

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228 F ORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 241, 242. 1870. Y§¤*m¤3?¤'$» For pay of postmasters, five million dollars. 3ifc:irl:rs.“` For pay of clerks in post-otiices, two million five hundred thousand dollars. For pay of letter-carriers, one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. &Bl¤¤k ¤S°¤*¤· For pay of blank agents and assistants, eight thousand dollars. $,,,1 depmdw For mail depredations and special agents, one hundred and twenty·live tions and special thousand dollars. ”8€,‘£&g° For postage stamps and envelopes, five hundred and twenty thousand stamps and cn- dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended V¤l¤p¤¤· for stamped envelopes beyond a temporary supply sufficient for use till No art for mmplgd 8D_ the first day of October next, except to carry out contracts hereafier to vslopss, except, be made with the lowest bidder according to law upon samples to be fur- &°· nished by the Postmaster·General. m§hip,&¤·l¤*r For ship, steamboat, and way letters, eight thousand two hundred ‘ dollars. Msn b ,&c. For mail bags and mail—ba¤ catchers, one hundred and fort thousand locks nndldfeys. dollars. c y For mail locks, keys and stamps forty thousand dollars. l’•per and For wrapping paper, thirty-five fhousand dollars. t'"“°' For twine, thirty-five thousand dollars. Latter2p?- _ For letter-balances, three thousand four hundred dollars. gr? ’“‘ “““‘ For office furniture, two thousand five hundred dollars. Advertising. For advertising, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of the Y¤¤V¤¤<>· sum shall be paid to any paper published in the District of Columbia for advertising mail routes, except in Virginia and Maryland. foblgscsllmpecgig, For miscellaneous payments, including balances due foreign countries, &:!° “ · and to postmastcrs for rent, light, fuel, and incidental expenses, registered, package, and pfhcial envelopes, for postmasters, fees to United States attorneys, mars ta s, and clerks of court, eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Post-route For post·r0ute maps, twenty thousand dollars. “‘*m;wy_m_d°r For money transferredlby postmasters and deposited in the treasury on account. postage recetpts, one million dollars. partner appro- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums, or so much PY ¤¤°¤· gi‘ex;;f}a;a;n;•Iydb¢;g plecessplryi andlfhe sglmedare] henéeby, appropriated _ in une ir ie , ew teen un re an seventy-one, out vi§;°mj};;l;¤°*`· of any money in the treasury not officrwise appropriated, viz. : -- S,,, p,,,,,,,,,,,,, For steamslnp service between San Francisco, Japan, and China, five .}%:3, and hundred thousand dollars. ‘ ,,18 {,,],,0,, For steamship service between the United States and Brazil, one hun- Sutes and dred and fifty thousand dollars. Brazil; For steamship service between San F ’ ‘ S F ,, rancisco and the Sandwich n,,,,'?},, §’;'E,_°° Islgids, seventyifive thousand dollars. wich lslan . PPROVED, uly 11, 1870. _._);uly 11, 1870. CHAP. CCXLII.-An Act to amend an A t HI d “A A t k` A" mt; .¥?¢p£rIy t;?:‘¢;f:st£E-llhcc;1pp;rpr'at(i02z(.;_/grcihleliérvice ig th; itlipuiggwnerilpyqocrl/?dI_$€n:cd(l Y' _ _ y I INT1 7'C dll $2* l, ·” . . April twenty, eighteen Iayundqrcd and seventy. Len y an `/M ol er Pm7mm' appmwd Bc thenacted by the Senate and [muse of Rc‘ P ,. . _ _ presentatzves of the United Pmrglml $5% {State: ty;" gmeritca m phnyrees assembled, That the proviso in the clause H, m,hmmmy in ac on pri twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled “An gimgtévdggslx puzlpngnalppmpriations for the service of the government for the -h I T6 12g- une thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and for otqetiilpuizlposes, limiting the pay of registrars and sheriffs in the fifth mu ry istuct to five dollars per day, be, and the same is hereby, so amended as to authorize the payment of six dollars per day to said registrars and sheriffs, instead of five as therein provided. Approved, July 11, 1870.