Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/308

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274 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 256, 257, 258, 259. 1870. An °·¤!°¤¤* pa ment of the public debt, an amount equal to the interest on all bonds ggufll E,:}::`;; belhuging to the aforesaid sinking fund shall be apphed, as the Secretary iougingtusink- of the Treasury shall from time to time direct, to the payment of the fg gzgdmm b°_ public debt as provided for in section five of the act aforesaid. And the ,5:;,; of puplgfg amount so to be applied is hereby appropriated annually for that purpose, degigmunt to be out of the receipts for duties on imported goods. mummy 9_ppm_ APPROVED, July 14, 1870. priated. -—e· July 14, 1870. CHAP. CCLVII. —-An Act to require natzbnal Banks going into Liquidation to retire "_""*"" their circulating Notes. Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United N¤ti¤¤¤l States of America in Congress assembled, That every bank that has here-

:°0Qh$3“; tofore gone into liquidation under the provisions of section forty-two of

mm iiquidm¤¤,° the national currency act, shall be required to deposit lawful money of the ”°d°P°*i“ ]°-Wful United States for its outstanding circulation within sixty days from the gagggiéogigg; date of the passage of this act. And every bank that may hereafter go 1¤fi<>¤· into liquidation shall be required to deposit lawful money of the United States for its outstanding circulation within six months from the date of Bonds than to the vote to go into liquidation ; whereupon the bonds pledged as security b° °'“"°“d°'°d' for such circulation shall be surrendered to the association making such Ifbsnkfsilstc deposit. And if any bank shall fail to make the deposit and take up its zghagggxhu bonds for thirty days after the expiration of the time specified, the compmay sell bonds troller of thecurrency shall have power to sell the bonds pledged for the §““‘¥*°’l;l¤ circulation of said bank at public auction in New York city, and after W °rproviding for the redemption and cancellation of said circulation, and the necessary expenses of the sale, to pay over any balance remaining from C¤Y¤>iI[1 b¤¤k¤ the proceeds to the bank, or its legal' representative: Provided, That zgflnagi mm banks which are winding up in good faith for the purpose of consolidating with other banks shall be exempt from the provisions of this act: Anal Assets who provided futher, That the assets and liabilities of banks so in liquidation

  • ‘°P°*‘°°d· sgml} be reported by the banks with which they are in process of consol~

1 ation. A1-1>1z0v1·:D, July 14, 1870. Qgly U, 1870 CHM?. CCLVIII. -·An Act for the Rglief of the United States and Bram? Steamship ompany. Su d _ Be it enacteel bg-the Senate and House of Representatives of the Gzited Nm '{.:_P:;.m}“ States of zimerzca in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasmnmgg mw, ury he, and he is hereby, authorized to refund to the United States and

:;l;=¤:t§¤g¤0 Brazil Steamship Company, out of any money in the treasury not other-

Uumd Sum wise appropriated, all sums heretofore collected at the custom-house at gig: Braeuc New York city hy way of toriusge taxes upon the vessels of said com- Pmfmg) bl; r§f°' puny employed in mail servme between the United States and Brazil, rung7m]. under the provisions of the act of twenty-eight May, eighteen hundred v1?64€_9h• 9353 ami sixty-lbur, entitled "An act authorizing the establishment of ocean °’““' *" ‘ mail steamship service between the United States and Brazi1," notwith- _ standing that such sums were paid without due legal protest and appeal: Y¤'°'¤¤°· Pravzded, That satisfactory evidence shall be produced to the said Secretary that at the time the said taxes were imposed the said vessels were in Brazil specially exempted from similar exactions to which other vessels were in the ports of that country liable. Armovzu, July 14, 1870. July 14, 1870. CHAP. CCLIX. —-An Act to amend existing Laws relating to internal Revenue. comm mp SlBe it anactecllky the Senate and House 4p" Representatives of the United ,,1,, mmpc ales ofAnnerzca zn Congress assembled, That on and after the passage of this aet,1n addition to the articles new exempt bylaw, the articles