Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/339

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 292. 1870. 305 be withdrawn from market for any cause, such lands shall not thereafter *<>b¤ ¤D¤¤ W be held subject to private entry until they shall have first been opened for g:;°§??g:gg,_ at least ninety days to homestead and pre-emption settlers, and again tiers before, &o. offered at public sale. For surveying the public lands in Oregon, at rates not exceeding fifteen Survey of dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and féubm ]?“d“ l" ten dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That the Xgfddiio; commissioner of the general land office, in his discretion, may hereafter authorize public lands in said State, densely covered with forests or thick undergrowlh, to be surveyed at augmented rates, not exceeding eighteen dollars per mile for standard parallels, fifteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines. For surveying the public lands in Washington Territory, at rates not i¤ W¤*bl¤K*°¤ exceeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars T°m*°U* for township, and ten dollars for section lines, twenty thousand dollars: P¤‘<>Vl¤°t Provided, That the commissioner of the general land-oflice, in his discretion, may authorize public lands in said Territory, densely covered with forests or thick undergrowth, to be surveyed at augmented rates, not exceeding eighteen dollars per mile for standard parallels, fifteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines. For surveying the public lands in Utah Territory, at rates not exceed- in Utah Terriing fifteen dollars per mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, *017: and ten dollars for section lines, twenty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Nevada, at rates not exceeding fifteen in Nevada. dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, forty-seven thousand dollars: Provided, That survey of seventeen thousand dollars (including the sum of ten thousand six hun- wsmm l>¤¤¤· dred and twenty-five dollars, appropriated by act of July twenty, eighteen §;?:,3;_Sm° °f hundred and sixty-eight) may be used for the survey of the eastern boundary line of said State, but no higher sum than forty dollars per lineal Limit to price. mile shall be paid for such survey. For the survey of public lands within the limits of the land grant of sn¤eyogp:.s. the Union Pacific Railroad Company in the Territories of Colorado, l:=l{¤d&¤*¤ of Wyoming, and Utah, as follows:— th: G:,0§rf>`:_ For surveying the public lands in the Territory of Colorado at rates ciic Railroad not exceeding fifteen dollars for standard lines, twelve dollars for town- gg{§xP;;‘3'_m ship lines, and ten dollars for section lines, ten thousand dollars. ' For surveying the public lands in the Territory of Utah at rates not Um, exceeding fifteen dollars for standard, twelve dollars for township lines, and ten dollars for section lines, ten thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in the Territory of Wyoming at rates Wyoming. not exceeding fifteen dollars for standard lines, twelve dollars for township lines, and ten dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars: Provided, l_S;rnv:y9fgJ¤b- That the foregoing appropriations for surveys of public lands within the Jain! ·f·£:i,m,·;,' limits of the Union Pacific Railroad Company’s land grant shall be con- and rates. ditional upon the compliance of said company or party in interest with the Urgggggzigg requirements of the twenty-first section of the act of July second, eigh- Bajlmad Coy, teen hundred and sixty-four, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled land grant tone ‘An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from f1;'£‘*§’;‘1 the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government 1B64,,ch;2]6’3i]_, the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes; approved Vggogzilvizgs- July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two." VOL ,{;;_ {,_ 48§_ For the survey of the public lands within the limits of the land grant Survey of to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company in a direct line extending ggmgmdzmnt from Du Luth, on Lake Superior, to Georgetown, on the Red river of to 1.;,,,.,;,,,,.,, p,. the North, ninety-five thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars : Provided, cit? Railrosd Oo. That five thousand dollars of this appropriation shall be expended for Pangés2h:`,?' oflice work by the surveyor-general of Minnesota: And provided farther, Cpst of sm-1 That before any land granted to said company by the United States shall V¤)'l¤S» &¤· W von. xvr. Pun.—20