Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/341

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FOR'I`Y—FIRST CONGRESS. Ssss. II. Ch. 292. 1870. 307 To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay an indebtedness on _ I¤dl$‘¤ S?"l°° account of Indian service in California, incurred and left unpaid by m C°M°mm` Charles Maltby, late superintendent of Indian affairs, as per accounts in Charles Maltby, the Indian office, eight thousand four hundred and eighty-tive dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay deficiencies incurred for the Indian service in California by Austin Wiley, former superintendent Austin Wiley. of Indian affairs, twenty thousand five hundred dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay outstanding liabilities B"“”°l' "!i“* incurred in fitting up the branch mint at Carson city since its completion, M cmu) ml" thirty-one thousand five hundred and ni¤ety~four dollars and fifty-six cents. Tosenable the Secretary of the Interior to pay John Finn the amount John Finn for due him for supplies furnished for the Indian service as per audited "}PPH°s l°' h" vouchers on file in the Indian office, fifty-five thousand four hundred and dm mmm` forty dollars and ninety-four cents. To pay the outstanding indebtedness contracted in the Sioux Indian Indebtedness district, under act of July twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and sixty- ;’§°g`9°*°‘lI;’a. eight, vouchers for which have been approved by General Harney, and dlsgyigtllx in are now filed in the Interior Department, and have been or shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, fifty-six thousand three hundred and forty-seven dollars and thirty-seven cen ts. For the purchase by the Secretary of the Interior of fifteen sets, or so Purchase of many as may be necessary, of the United States Statutes at Large, from ;°,;‘s'$&l‘:rg°m° volume one to nine, both inclusive, four hundred and seventy-two dollars ` and fifty cents; and the judges of the circuit courts of the United States ·l¤d8°S °*` °i*’· who have not already received them, shall, severally, be entitled to receive, gsi32E5U?,;!;;` for his use while in office, a copy of each volume of the Statutes at Large, of Statutes and and also a copy of each volume of the Reports of the Supreme Court of wm R°P°“’• the United States, succeeding the third volume of Wallace’s Reports, and such copies of thfe] statutes and reports received by any one of the said judges, shall, upon his resignation, removal from office, or death, be delivered up to his successor in office. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary for payment Indian service for services rendered and supplies furnished for and on account of the ;‘,tef_£’,:0f:,°;°€°¤°y_ Indian service at the Fort Berthold agency, Dakota Territory, as recommended by the Secretary of the Interior in a communication to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, dated February sixteen, eighteen hundred and seventy, the sum of sixty-three thousand two hundred and three dollars and dve cents, or so much thereof as shall be found by the Secretary of the Interior upon examination to be justly due. To reimburse E. M. Sar ent mone expended by him in carrying out E· W S*'&°“* a contract with the Post·O§ice Deparlment for mail service from Lowell, M me °°m°°' Massachusetts, to adjacent points, two thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to indemnify A. M. Adams { Pi- M- ids}? for losses by depredations committed by Kiowa and Comanche Indians in Y eighteen hundred and sixty-six, twenty-nine thousand four hundred and ninety.two dollars and sixty-two cents. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the claim of Mr. Baca y fOBl;<;;G>;i•)¤l*;:1¤;* Salasar for depredations committed by the Navajoe Indians in New diQm_ y Mexico, nine thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the HMWY D· account of Harvey D. Scott, for his per diem and mileage as commis- sioner for the examination of the first ten miles of the Minnesota South- wbilé examining ern railroad, in eighteen hundred and sixty-six, under the appointment of giJ;;¤§;:nt¤“u_ the Secretary of the Interior, three hundred and sixty-four dollars and mad; ten cents. _ For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the V£{;‘;_":?1E:Bd_ account of Harvey D. Scott, for his per diem and mileage as commis-