Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/343

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 292. ·1870. 309 Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury L*§W·*°¤¤• be, and he is hereby, directed to authorize the lighthouse board io i;ii°g°,:°mu:;:t properly mark all pier-heads belonging to the government on the north- pier-heads on ern and northwestern lakes, when completed or repaired, and duly nod- {‘°{°h°"“· &°· fied of such completion or repairs by the department in charge of such 8g8g5g:},; Pm. construction or repairs; and the provision requiring that five of the six vi¤i¤¤ reqpirmg revenue cutters upon the northern and northwestern lakes be laid up is ;:*:fB°:;2:;,‘s'§:' hereby repealed, and as many of them as the Secretary of the Treasury, laid up. in his discretion, shall put in commission, shall be specially char ed with 186*% °h· 177- aiding vessels in distress on said lakes, and the Secretary of the 'lgeasury, in his discretion, shall be and is authorized to sell two of said revenue putin ¤ommi¤· cutters, now on the northern lakes, for such consideration and under such sw; {md 53** regulations as he may prescribe, and that the proceeds be covered into 2-iid, WO 6 the treasury. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That there is hereby appropriated Ewctionof the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as monuments in may be necessary, for the erection in the Congressional Cemetery of gg“8‘;°“l°“°* monuments in memory of those representatives who have died since m;:1$,,;r,,{bE3:"` eighteen hundred and sixty; said monuments to be of uniform size and &¤- ’ style with those previously erected ; and this sum to be disbursed under unix'; °f m°" the direction of the clerk of the House of Representatives, upon con- Appropriation tracts made by him with the lowest responsible bidders therefor, after g°"&’ b° dl*· due public notice given. um ’ Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the mayor of the city of Commission Washington, the Secretary of the Interior, the commissioner of public €g;‘§’;§:§§·t?:• buildings and grounds, the architect of the Capitol extension, and'their City canal? successors in office, together with two men to be appointed by the mayor V¤i· xvii- P- 10· of the city of Washington, by and with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen of said city, are hereby appointed a commission who shall cause the WVashingt0n City canal, either in whole or in part, to be dredged, or, if deemed best, dredged and narrowed, or arched and converted into a sewer; and for the purpose of making this improvement, Tax of the corporate authorities of the city of Washington are hereby authorized Eel?;`;?;? Eyby and directed to levy and collect a tax of one hundred thousand dollars Washington upon all taxable property in said city, for defraying part of the expenses *b°F°*”°Y· thereof; and the sum of fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out Appropriation. of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of defraying in part the expenses of the same; and out of any moneys Govemrnent arising from the sale of any real estate, should any take place belonging gggntigigs "" to said canal, the government shall first be indemnided for any moneys ` hereby appropriated; the improvements aforesaid to be paid for at the _ Expevm <>f' rate of one third by the government and two thirds by the city as the {fg§r€giTil§:ne_ work progresses, and the total expenditure not to exceed the amount herein provided for. SEO. 6. And be it fur:/wr enacted, That the corporation of Washing- Wa,shington_ ton shall have power to issue certificates of indebtedness not to exceed ;*(:{'R{’;;‘;ig’}d" in amount two hundred thousand dollars in addition to the sum heret0— cms Ofindebt. fore authorized, and to bear interest at the rate of seven and three edness fornot tenths per centum per annum, and to be redeemable within Eve years °'f;t§;2$*ggg‘ from the date of issue. The said certificates not to be of a less de- when mn-mu. nomination than fifty dollars, and to he receivable for taxes·due said ¤*g*én°minm0ns corporation to sueh amount yearly as smd corporation may designate by and for what law; not, however, to exceed fifty per centum of the amount due by receivable; any tax~payer. And said certificates shall be used for no other pur- U*°“”“*°d· pose than the payment of the ascertained indebtedness of the corporation of Washington to the sixth day of June, eighteen hundred and sevent . Sac)? 7. And be it further enacted That the sergeuubat-arms of the imE3';°;;f§£m Senate be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to purchase two swmc;mmbc,_