Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/348

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314 FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 293. 1870. teen hundred and sixtymine, one thousand dollars, or such pm-t thereof as may be necessary. _ Use of building To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay for the use and oompag{jf€:;3g:“° tion by the late department of education of et portion of the building 10- ' cated on the corner of G and Eighth streets ID this city, from N oyember twelve, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, until April sixteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-nme, four hundred and twenty-seven dollars and seventy-eight cents. _ __ Sick and dis- To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the relief of sick and °l’l°d '°“m°“· disabled seamen, one hundred thousand dollars, and to meet a deficiency in the same fund for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, one hundred and fifty thousand dollnrs. r U Penitentiary For the erection of penitentiary buildings m the 1`err1{)ory of Wyob“lldl’%8* in , mine forty_ thousand dollars or so much thereof as may e necessary: ,§Y37~¤¤¤ T°m` Prozidcd, That the said sum be set apart from the proceeds of collections of lymvtso. internal revenue tax in that Territory, to be appropriated for said purpose only and expended under the direction of the Secretary 0 the nterior. Ninth census. Fhr ex enses to be incurred in taking the ninth census of the United P . States, one million dollars. Loyal citizens For payment of claims of loyal citizens for services rendered as United °‘°°l“$ ”U“l°°d States marshals and their assistants as rovided in act a roved June Eridthisslldtlsrgllsith twenty-four, eighteen hundred und ,severily, one hundred pgnd seventy fl} °l¤·lg$*· thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. pg,b%:'§;udi,{g, For deficiency in the appropriation for public buildings and grounds, and grounds. under the chief engineer of the army, ten thousand dollars. Wilson'; elec- For materials and putting up Wi1son’s electric gas-lighter in the Senate Mc 8°·¤·liZh*m’• chamber four thousand five hundred dollars : Provided, That the same 7 Pl-°m°' can be done under the control of the architect of the Capitol extension during the recess, and at an expense not exceeding the amount herein appropriated. Erection 5,, For expenses of conducting the election, on second day of September, xyominz Twi- eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, in Wyoming Territory, one thousand Y‘ dollars. Annoy Omoo, For assay 0{lice, New York, salaries of superintendent, assayer, melter, N"' Y°’k· rcfiner, assistant assayer, and clerks, and wages of workmen, thirty thou· A""' p'241' sand dollars. Superintendent To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay the superintendent of the °€Bl&“3;l'5£°gQ:‘ building occupied by said Secretary and his department from the first day {:,6,,,, (,g;m,g,i,,,_ of Januar , eighteen hundred and dit -five, to the tbirtieth of June eivhy g _ y 7 n teen hundred and fifty-eight, the allowance to be made to such superintendent, with his salary as clerk not to exceed two thousand dollars per annum, the sum of seven hundred dollars. pl;Hw<>§::;d_ For deficiency in the pay of certain employe[e]s in the agricultural mmum dum., department, one thousand one hundred and ten dollars, or so much theremomma of as is necessary: Provided, That their annual compensation is not in- "° · crease thereby beyond the amount fixed by law. 1 Acting mon- _For services peribrmed in the patent office, under direction of the comu':;’&’i:“m“t::;‘* mnssmner of petents, from August first, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, qfgg, to hprnl first, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, by clerks and assistant examiners acting as assistant examiners and examiners, at the rates fixed by law for the respective grades in which such services were performed, the sum of ten thousand seven hundred and fifty-one dollars and forty-four Proviao. cents: Provided, That the compensation thus paid shall not exceed that Eeceivedhby those duly enrolled as examiners and assistant examiners uringt e same period. cirlmury For the support of primary schools in that part of the district of C0-

!. $v°;
&:;¤E; lumbiu lying outside of.the cities of Washington and Georgetown, to be

and Gwrgmwm expended by the commissioners of primary schoolfs], under the direction D. G. pg the Eesrefary of the Interior and the president of the levy court, ten ousan dollars.