Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/360

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326 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 295. 1870. duct from the contract price with said steam·engine company whatever sum it would have cost said company to have completed their said .contract. Civil establish- Civil establishment at the navy yard, Kittery.-—For assistant naval mxgxlggg _ constructor, two thousand dollars; clerk of storehouses, one thousand tive F y` hundred dollars; inspector of timber, draughtsmau, clerk to naval eenstructor, time clerk, and superintendent of Boating dock, at one thousand four hundred dollans each; ten thousand five hundred dollars. B°°*°¤6 At the navy yard, Boston. —— For assistant naval constructor, two thousand dollars; clerk to naval constructor, inspector of timber, and time clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; draughtsman to naval constructor, one thousand four hundred dollars; second clerk to naval constructor, and clerk of storehouses, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; in all, ten thousand three hundred dollars. B¤'°°klY¤9 At the navy yard, Brooklyn, New Ydrk. —For assistant naval constructor, two thousand dollars; draughtsman to naval constructor, one thousand four hundred dollars; clerk to naval constructor, inspector of timber, and time clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; second clerk to naval constructor, and clerk of storehouses, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; ten thousand three hundred dollars. Pb5mg1pm,; At the navy yard, Philadelphia. —-· For assistant naval constructor, two thousand dollars; clerk of storehouses, one thousand five hundred dollars; inspector of timber, draughtsman for naval constructor, clerk to naval constructor, time clerk, and superintendent of floating dock, at one thou— sand four hundred dollars each; in all, ten thousand Eve hundred dollars. Washington; At the navy yard, Washln gten. - For assistant naval constructor, two thousand dollars; clerk of storehouses, one thousand four hundred dollars; inspector of timber, clerk to naval constructor, and time clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; in all, seven thousand dollars. Norfolk; At the navy yard, Norfolk.- For assistant naval constructor, two thousand dollars; draughtsman to naval constructor, and clerk of storehouses, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, and time clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, six thousand dollars. Y¤¤¤¤¤<>l¤s At the navy yard, Pensacola. -- For clerk of storehouses, one thousand two hundred dollars. Mw i¤l¤¤<i· At the navy yard, Mare island.- For assistant naval constructor, two thousand dollars; draughtsman to naval constructor, one thousand four hundred dollars; inspector of timber, clerk of storehouses, clerk to naval constructor, superintendent of floating dock, and time clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each ; ten thousand nine hundred dollars. “£;‘;:2i;; Bureau of Slearn Engineering. -—- For repairs of machinery of ing steamers, boilers, mstruments, tools, labor, transportation, materials,

epuirs§f mu- stores, one mnllnon dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropria.tion

° }§;‘;Q;g0 °· shall be expended on account of naval engines contracted for during the war.

g;lL€?:$ll¤l¤· Civil establishment at the navy yard, Kittery.--For draughtsman,

yard M Kmcry; one thousand six hundred dollars; clerk to chief engineer, and store clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; and time clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, five thousand six hundred M dollars. ° °* At the navy yard, Boston. - For draughtsman, one thousand six hundred dollars; clerk to chief engineer, and store clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; and time clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; five thousand six hundred dollars. Nw Y¤¤k· At the navy yard, New York. —— For draughtsman, one thousand six hundred dollars; clerk to chief engineer, and store clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars each, and time clerk at one thousand two hundred dollars ; five thousand six hundred dollars.