Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/383

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FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 296. 1870. 349 For life annuity to chiefs, per third article treaty twenty-sixth Septem- P°“°'Z°*°ml°*· ber, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one hundred dollars: Provided, V°I`v}1'P'488' That satisfactory evidence shall be shown to the Secretary of the Interior Pr°"°°‘ that the chief or chiefs provided for by said articles are still living. For educational purposes, five thousand dollars. For permanent provision for payment of money, in lieu of tobacco, iron, and steel, per second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen Vol. vii. p. 401. hundred and twenty-eight, aud tenth article of the treaty of the iitth and seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two hundred and seven- Vol. ix. p. 855. teen dollars and forty-three cents. For permanent provision for three blacksmiths and assistants, and for iron and steel for shops, per third article treaty sixteenth October, eigh- V01- vii· p· 296- teen hundred and twenty-six, second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and second article treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand and forty-two dollars and ninety-four cents. For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per second article of treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, three hundred and seventeen dollars and nine cents. For interest on four hundred and sixty-six thousand and twenty-seven dollars and forty-eight cents, at five per centum, in conformity with seventh article treaty of June fifth and seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty- six, twenty-three thousand three hundred and one dollars and thirty-seven cents. Pottawatomies of Maron. ——For permanent annuity, in money or other- Pottawatomies wise, per second article treaty of seventeenth November, eighteen hundred °{,l‘l“'QP· 105 and seven, four hundred dollars. °m' P' ' Quapaws.— For this amount to be expended in such goods, provisions, Quapaws. and other articles as the President may from time to time determine, in- V°l· VH- P- 425 cluding insurance and transportation thereof, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, educating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in_ any other respect to promote their comfort, civilization, and improvement, two thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. Qui-nai-ell cmd Quil-Ich-utc Indians. ——For the first of Eve installments Qui-nai-elt and on twenty-five thousand dollars (being the first series) for beneficial ob- ?%l;:;h‘¤*° jects, under the direction of the President, per fourth article treaty first of ,{,_ p_ 97% July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand dollars. For eleventh of twenty installments for the support of an agricultural and industrial school, and for pay of suitable instructors, per tenth article treaty first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand five hundred dollars. For eleventh of twenty installments for support of smith and carpenter shop, and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per tenth article treaty first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For eleventh of twenty installments for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, and farmer, and a physician, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per tenth article treaty nrst July, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, four thousand one hundred dollars. River Crows.- For this amount, to be expended for such goods, pro- River Growsvisions, and other articles as the President from time to time may determine, including insurance and transportation thereof; in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, educating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvement, thirty thousand dollars. _ Rogue Rivers. —For first of five installments in blankets, clothing, Rogue Rivers.