Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/432

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398 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 8, 15, 16. 1871. Rights emdna- Sue. 2. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act contained hiv? °€€g°“k shall be so construed as in any manner to release the said bank from guy m u cc ° liability, or affect; any action or proceeding in law in which the said bank Notice of may be u party or interested. And when such change shall have been

  • Zh°¤S° °f l°°°· determined upon as aforesaid, notice thereof and of such change shall be

hon to be pub- . . _ - · lished_ published m at, least two weekly newspapers m the aforesaid county of Lycoming, Stat?) of Pennsyévangabfor not less than four successive weeks. APPROVED, ecember , 1 . Jun. 10, 1871. CHAP. XV. —An Act in Relation to catain Territorial Penitentiaries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ Pcnifentiaries States of America in Congress assembled, That the penitentiary which LQEQQQQOQQZS *0 has been, or may hereafter be, erected by the United States in any orconn·o1of th¤ ganized Territory thereof, shall, when the same is ready for the recepm¤'¤h¤l¤· tion of convicts, be placed under the care and control of the marshal of the United States for the Territory or District in which such penitentiary may be situabe. u_$t*;’g‘g;g?€é Sec. 2. And be {tfurther emzetecl, That it is hereby made the duty of mm fm- mm the Attorney-General of the United States to prescribe all needful rules 8¤*¢¤1m¢¤¤- and regulations for the government of such penitentiary, and the marshal having charge thereof slmll cause them tohbe duly and faithfully executed Complonsntion and obeyed. The reasonable compensation of such marshal and of his

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_*I‘:_ deputies, for their services under this act and said regulations, shall be

MQ; P fixed by the Attorney·Geneml; and it and the expense incident to the subsistence and employment of offenders against the laws of the United States, who have been or may hereafter be sentenced to imprisonment in such pcnilentmry, shall be chargeable on und payable out of the fund for dclmying the expenses of suits in which the United States are congerned, zpgd 02 p;·o¥§utions for offences committed against the United Provlso. tutes: ravi e ,at this act shall not be construed to increase the maximum compensation now allowed by law to those officers. Parsons con- S1·:c. 3. And be it urther enact al, ’ ‘ 1 i, ( "i°F°d in T°"`i‘ court of competent jurisdiction in acTc1i1iiltf§r mf?d1·E;.Gi;(ril11fi<(i1‘i\of(:t(l:l?e ll torud courts may . . . y’` WS b6imp,.i,Om,d in thereof, and sentenced to imprisonment, muy, at: the cost of such Terriponif/¤nti¤rics· tory, on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by such rules and regulations, be received, subsisted, and employed in such penitentiary during the term of his or her imprisonment, in the same manner as if he gr she had been convicted of an oilence against the laws of the United totes. Approved, January 10, 1871. Jan. 10, 1811. CHAP. XVI.-An Act relaxing to thefP$zting of the annual Report of the Secretary """; o ar. Eigmhundmd Be it enactediby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mu copies of the States of America mn Qongress assembled, That; it shall be the duty of the y,,;,,,,,`,,;,,. congressional printer, in place of the twenty-five hundred copies of the pvrtofthn §`»e¤- abmdgment of the annual report of the Secretary of War ordered by scc- "my °fw‘"* tion one of the act, of Jul two t. — thht b d d d- &O_wb° p,mmd_ _ · y ,n y seven , eig een un re an sixty 1,§<§s,¤]m.¤s7, 5 1. six, to cause to be printed and bound for the use of the War Department °-*1*- P-8% sight hundred full copies of the last annual report and accompanying ocuments. Armovmu, January 10, 1871.