Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/443

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 45, 46. 1871. 409 discretion of the court. And if any other or greater quantity of dutiable D¤*l*bl° mi' articles shall be found on board such vessel than are specified in such ggtggalg report or entry of said articles, or any part thereof shall be landed without port to be fora permit from a collector or other officer of the customs, such articles, f°l“d with V"' together with the vessel, her apparel, tackle, and furniture, shall be seized B6 ` and forfeited: Provided always, That articles purchased for the use of or “Ssloon stores for sale on board any steamboat, propeller, or other vessel, as saloon stores °’ "gPfu°’” °° or supplies, shall be deemed goods, wares, and merchandise, and shall be my u y' liable (when purchased at a foreign port) to entry and the payment of the duties found to be due thereon at the first port of arrival of such vessel in the United States; and for a failure on the part of the saloon-keeper P¤¤¤l*J’- or person purchasing or owning such articles to report, make entries, and pay duties, as hereinbefore required, such articles, together with the fixtures and other goods, wares, or merchandise, found in such saloon or on or about such vessel belonging to and owned by such saloon—keeper or other person interested in such saloon, shall be seized and forfeited, and such saloon-keeper or other person purchasing and owning as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay the sum of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, and in addition thereto shall be imprisoned I¤¤P¤'l¤0¤¤1¤¤$· for a term of not less than three months nor more than two years. Approved, February 10, 1871. CHAP. XLVI.—An Act to create an additional Land District in the State of Calgfbrmlz. Feb. 10, i87I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ey" the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the districts of susq¤v;11¤_ lands subject to sale under existing laws at Marysville and Shasta, in the €§Sfg;;l‘:‘QiB;;‘b_ State of California, as are contained in the following boundaries, shall usb6d_ i constitute a new land district, to be called the Susanville district, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point where the north boundary of township 'nouudmqss, nineteen north, Mount Diablo meridian, intersects the eastern boundary of the State of California; thence west on the north boundary, of township nineteen north, to the corner of townships nineteen and twenty north, rangefs] thirteen and fourteen east ; thence north to the corner of townships twenty-one and twenty-two north, ranges thirteen and fourteen east; thence west to the corner of townships twenty-one and twenty-two north, ranges eleven and twelve east; thence north to the corner of townships twenty-three and twenty-four north, ranges eleven and twelve east ; thence west to the corner of townships twenty-three and twenty-four north, rahges eight and nine east; thence north to the corner of townships twenty-five and twenty-six north, ranges eight and nine east; thence west to the corner of townships twenty-five and twenty-six north, ranges five and six east; thence north between ranges five and six to the. northern boundary of the State of California; thence east on said boundary line to the northeast corner of said State ; thence south on the eastern boundary of said State, to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the location of the office for mL0°¥gl<>¤ gf said district shall be designated by the President of the United States,?gn;$gd?w °S` and may be changed by him from time to time as the public convenience may be may seem to require. °h’·¤S°d· Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed by Register and the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a regis- l'°°°“'°'i ter and a receiver for said land district, who shall respectively be re- theirresidenco quired to reside at the site of the office, be subject to the same laws, and and P“Y· entitled to the sarne compensation as is, or may hereafter be, prescribed by law in relation to other land offices in said State. APPROVED, February 10, 1871.