Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/472

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438 FOR'1`Y—FIR.ST CONGRESS. Suse. III. Ch. 99. 1871. °h£*t}*i;¤¤* I duties in this act imposed, and whose duty it shall be_ to prepare and ddgw "' furnish all necessary books, forms, blanks, and instructions for the use and direction of the supervisors of election in the several cmes and towns in their respective districts; to receive the applications of all parties for appointment to such positions; and upon the opening, as contemplated in this act, of the circuit court for the judicial circuit in which the commissioner so designated shall act, to present such applications to the judge thereof; and furnish information to said judge in respect to the appointment by the said court of such supervisors of election; to require of the supervisors of election, where necessary, lists of the persons who may register and vote, or either, in their respective election districts or voting precincts, and to cause the names of those upon any such list whose right to register or vote shall be honestly doubted to be verified by proper inquiry and examination at the respective places by them assigned as their residences; and to receive, preserve, and ile all oaths of office of said supervisors of election, and of all special deputy marshals appointed under the provisions of this act, and all certificates, returns, reports, and records of every kind and nature contemplated or made requisite under and by the provisions of this act, save where otherwise herein specially M¤¤‘¤h¤l¤. &¤· directed. And it is hereby made the duty of all United States marshals

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    'gg_ 23m` and commissioners who shall in any judicial district perform any duties

chief supervisor. under the provisions of this act, or the act hereby amended, relating to, concerning, or affecting the election of representatives or delegates in the Congress of the United States, to, from time to time, and with all due diligence, forward t0_ the chief supervisor in and for their judicial district all complaints, examinations, and records pertaining thereto, and all oaths of office by them administered to any supervisor of election or special deputy marshal, in order that the same may be properly preserved and Sled. Pay otehter Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed and "‘P°"'i'°"$ paid to each chief supervisor, for his services es such officer, the fellow— ing compensation, apart from and in excess of all fees allowed by law for the performance of any duty as circuit court commissioner: For tiling and caring for every return, report, record, document, or other paper required to be tiled by him under any of the provisions of this act, ten cents; for adixing a seal to any paper, record, report, or instrument, twenty cents; for entering and indexing the records of his office, fifteen cents per folio ; and for arranging and transmitting to Congress, as provided for in section seven of this act, any report, statement, record, return, or examination, for each folio, fifteen cents ; and for any copy thereofl or at superylsem of any paper on tile, alike sum. end there shall be allowed and paid to {gy m??` each and every supervisor of election, and each and every special deputy marshal who shall be appointed and shall perform his duty under the provisions of this act, compensation at the rate of Eve dollars per day for each and every day he shall have actually been on duty, not exceeding Fees efchief , ten days. And the fees of the said chief supervisors shall be paid at the

§r":_“° °° treasury of_ the United States, such accounts to be made out, verified,

examined, and certiiied as in the case of accounts of commissioners, save that the examination or certificate required may be made by either the _ V circuit or district judge. mgzvéiixfgsf Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the jurisdiction of the circuit extended_ court of the United States shall extend to all eases in law or equity aris- Bvitv fer d¤¤¤- ing under the provisions of this act or the act hereby amended; and if

§;;Q} °h`°m° any person shall receive any injury to his person or property for or on

account of any act by him done under any of the provisions of this act or the act hereby amended, he shall be entitled to maintain suit for damages theretbr in the circuit court of the United States in the district wherein the party doing the injury may reside or shall be found. Sec. 16. And be it jimlser enacted, That in any case where suit or