Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/521

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FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 113. 1871. 487 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Departmentof For compensation of the Secretary of the Interior, assistant secretary, thldgtillgrecmchief clerk, four clerks of class four, any of whom may be paid two “‘·"Yv“”l““”i—· hundred dollars extra if the Secretary of the Interior deem it necessary cmkm &°' and proper; five clerks of class four, one of whom may be designated by Superintendthe Secretary to act as superintendent of the building, who shall receive °”°° bum"?' two hundred dollars additional compensation per annum; additional to three disbursing clerks, three clerks of class three, four clerks of class two, and one clerk of class one, one messenger, two assistant messengers at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, and three laborers in his office; in all, forty-seven thousand five hundred and forty dollars. For twenty-eight watchmen for the general service of the Interior De· Watchman. partment building, and all the bureaus therein, to be allotted to day or night service, as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, twenty thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. For stationery, furniture, books, and maps for the library, and miscel- Stationery, Ianeous items, nine thousand dollars. &°· For expenses of packing and distributing official documents, including Distribution salary of superintendent, seven thousand dollars. °f d°°““‘°"”· For rent of rooms For the use of the pension office and for the bureau of Rent. education, Fourteen thousand dollars. For casual repairs of the Department building, ten thousand dollars. Repairs, mel, For fuel, light, and salary of the engineer at fourteen hundred dollars, &°‘ and repairs of the heating apparatus, eighteen thousand two hundred 0 ars. General Land Office. —-— For commissioner of the general land ofdce, Genemliand recorder, chief clerk, three principal clerks of public lands, three clerks °f§,°:· of _ of class Four, twenty-three clerks of class three, forty clerks of class two, ,,,;,,,,i%,m_°:g forty clerks of class one, draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, two mes- ¤°*d¢¤`, ¤l¤¤‘k¤» sengcrs, three assistant messengers at seven hundred and twenty dollars &°` each, two packers, seven laborers, employed in his office ; in all, one hundred and seventy-one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. For compensation of additional clerks in the general land office, viz.: For Additional one principal clerk as director, one clerk of class three, four clerks of "l°'kS· &°· class two, thirty-five clerks of class one, and two laborers, fifty-two thousand six hundred and forty dollars. For cash system, maps, diagrams, stationery, furniture, and repairs of the same; miscellaneous items, including two of the city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office; advertising and telegraphing; miscellaneous items 1850_°h_84_ on account of bounty lands and military patents, and contingent expenses Vol. ix. bm. under the swamp-land act, twenty thousand dollars; making a total ap- $56zhg - ig propriated for the general land office of two hundred and forty-four'p' ` thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. rp,,,,,,],,,;,,,, Ot- For translation of the abridged report of the commissioner of the abridgedreport general land ofrice into foreign languages, fifteen hundred dollars. °ff:ém';;§;f"· Indian Office. — For compensation of the commissioner of Indian pay of wm. a.H`airs, chief clerk, three clerks of class four, seven clerks of class three, mlSSi<>¤¢1‘, &¤- Iive clerks of class two ; in all, twenty-eight thousand six hundred dollars. Temporary clerks: For one clerk of class three, seven clerks of class two, twelve clerks of class one, and four female copyists at nine hundred dollars each ; in all, twenty-nine thousand four hundred dollars. For one messenger, one assistant messenger at seven hundred and twenty dollars, and one laborer; in all, two thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. For blank books, binding, stationery, Fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, including two city newspapers, to be tiled, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, five thousand dollars. Pension Ojfce. — For compensation of commissioner of pensions, gsnsizn office. chief clerk, twenty-two clerks of class four, forty-eight clerks of class mis;§m‘;r"£‘;‘