Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/600

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Yakama Nation.For twelfth of twenty instalments for keeping in repair saw and flouring mills, and for furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures, per fifth article treaty June nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars.

For twelfth of twenty instalments for keeping in repair the hospital and providing the necessary medicines and fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty June nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dollars.

For twelfth of twenty instalments for keeping in repair blacksmith's, tinsmith’s, gunsmith's, carpenter’s, and wagon and plow maker’s shops, and for providing necessary tools therefor, per fifth article treaty June nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars.

For twelfth of twenty instalments for the pay of a physician, per fifth article treaty June nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand two hundred dollars.

For twelfth of twenty instalments for keeping in repair the buildings required for the various employees, and for providing the necessary furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty Juno nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dollars.

For twelfth of twenty instalments for the salary of such person as the said confederated tribes and bands of Indians may select to be their head chief, per fifth article treaty June nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars.

Yankton tribe of Sioux. Vol. xi. p. 744. Yankton Tribe of Sioux. — For third of ten instalments, (second series,) to be paid to them or expended for their benefit, commencing with the year in which they shall remove to and settle and reside upon their reservation, per fourth article treaty April nineteen, eighteen hundred und fifty-eight, forty thousand dollars.

No Indian nation or tribe to be recognized as a power with whom to make treaty. Existing treaties not affected. For insurance and transportation of goods for the Yanktons, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That hereafter no Indian nation or tribe within the territory of the United States shall be acknowledged or recognized as an independent nation, tribe, or power with whom the United States may contract by treaty: Provided, further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to invalidate or impair the obligation of any treaty heretofore lawfully made and ratified with any such Indian nation or tribe.

General incidental expenses of the Indian service. GENERAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF THE INDIAN SERVICE.

Arizona. Arizona. — For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in the Territory of Arizona, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, seventy thousand dollars.

California. California. — For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in California, pay of employees, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, seventy-five thousand dollars.

Colorado Territory. Colorado Territory. — For tho general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Colorado Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of tho Secretary of tho Interior, twenty thousand dollars.

Dakota Territory. Dakota Territory. — For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Dakota Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements,