Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/603

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FOR.TY——FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 120. 1871. 569 hundred and seventy, which is as follows, viz.: “For this amount, or so Amendment much thereof as may be necessary for subsistence of the Navajoe Indians °f f°"“°*` °°*· in New Mexico, for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and A,,;,,?,;;;, seventy, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the r Interior, seventy-five thousand dollars," be, and the same is hereby,

 amended by striking out the words " eighteen hundred and seventy," and

inserting in lieu thereof the words " eighteen hundred and seventy-one." ` For this amount, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay Alvin Alvin N. N. Blacklidge for services rendered and money expended in taking the Bl“1'jklldK°· m. A census of the Cherokee Indians, under the provisions of the twelfth arti- V0 x"'P° ele of the treaty of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, with said Indians, e nine hundred and thirty-eight dollars and nfty-tive cents. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the re- Removal and moval of the Kickapoo and other American Indian tribes roving on the §gbQ“°"°° °fd borders of Mexico and Texas to reservations within the Territories of oysrnxggg. the United States, for their settlement and subsistence on such reser- di¤¤¤· vations, forty thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to cause settlements to be made with all persons appointed by Indian councils, to receive money due incompetent or orphan Indians, per act of July five, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, (Statutes at Large, volume twelve, pages five hundred and twenty-nine and five hundred and thirty,) five thousand dollars. For surveying such reservations in Oregon, under treaty stipulations, Surveying as may be rendered necessary, twenty thousand dollars. g’:’;;*l°““ l" For the erection or purchase, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Béuddngs for Interior, of suitable buildings for the Upper Missouri agency, near Fort Upp¤rMi¤¤¤¤¥i Berthold, provided the same shall be necessary, eight thousand dollars. “g°“°Y‘ For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to defray Establishing the expenses of determining the location and re-marking with suitable *b° FgP°*Y·°lx:h monuments and establishing the position of the ninety-sixth meridian {f,’;;u:Q;_w°° west longitude, from the State of Kansas to the north line of the Creek country, in the Indian Territory, five thousand dollars; and this amount, Expenses of or so much thereof as may be necessary. to pay the expenses of holding €°“°““ °°‘"’°¤' a " general council " of the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, and Choctaw and _ Chickasaw Indians, in the Indian Territory, as provided by the treaties .,5g,°.}}Q“¥g,£P‘ with said tribes in eighteen hundred and sixty-six, for the Escal year 802: ’ ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, 'I‘hat any other Indian tribe permanently located in said Indian Territory shall be, and is hereby, authorized to Dtpmg elect and send to said “ general council " one delegate, and in addition g°°° °°°° ‘ one delegate for each one thousand Indians or fraction of a thousand greater than five hundred, being 'members of such tribe, on the same terms and conditions, and with the same rights and privileges, including right to compensation, as is provided for delegates of the tribes hereinbefore mentioned, and a sufficient sum to pay the per diem and mileage of such additional delegates is hereby appropriated. Interest on Trust-Fund Stocks. — For payment of interest on certain Interest on abstracted and non-paying State stocks belonging to various Indian tribes, mFd (and held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior,) for the fiscal year ' ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, viz.:—-— For interest on the Cherokee national fund, eighteen thousand nine Gherokeee; hundred and eighty dollars. For interest on the Cherokee school fund, three thousand and ten dollars. For interest on the Chickasaw national fund, fifteen thousand one Chickasaw:. hundred and forty dollars. I For interest on the Chickasaw incompetent? fund, two hundred dollars.