Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/625

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FORTY—FIRS'I‘ CONGRESS. Sess. III. Rus. 6, 7, 8. 1871. 591 sum of twenty-tive hundred dollars per annum, to enable him to employ B*“*’·*¤· *`°F*¤ n private amanuensis, on account of partial disability of his right hand °‘°°°°°°°°1°' from wounds received in battle. Am-nzovzo, January 11, 1871. |N0. 7.] A Resolution authorizing the Appointment of Commissioners in Relation to the Jan. 12. 1871. Republic of Dominica. ""`_`*""' Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That. the President of the APP°lP*¥¥¤°¤* United States be authorized to appoint three commissioners,_a.nd also a. :_;§°:;’:,}§;$;°tr: secretary, the latter to be versed in the English and Spanish languages, to proceed to the proceed to the island of San Domingo, and to such other places, if any, lslanll °f_S’·° as such commissioners may deem necessary, and there to inquire into, D(G1,1£,g:;>{,t;,,_ ascertain, and report the political state and condition of the republic of Dominica, the probable number of inhabitants, and the desire and disposition of the people of the said republic to become annexed to and to form part of the people of the United States; the physical, mental, and moral oondition of the said people, and their general condition as to material wealth and industrial capacity; the resources of the country; its mineral and agricultural products; the products of its waters and forests; the general character of the soil; the extent and proportion thereof capable of cultivation; the climate and health of the country; its bays, harbors, and rivers; its general meteorological character, and the existence and frequency of remarkable meteorological phenomena; the debt of the government and its obligations, whether funded, and ascertained, and admitted, or unedjusted and under discussion; treaties or engagements with other powers; extent of boundaries and territory; what proportion is covered by foreign claimants or by grunts or concessions, and generally what concessions or franchises have been granted, with the names of the respective grantees; the terms and conditions on which the Dominican government may desire to be annexed to and become part of the United States us one of the Territories thereof; such other information with respect to the said government or its territories as to the said commissioners shall seem desirable or important with reference to the future incorporation of the said Dominican republic into the United States as one of its Territories. Sec. 2. And be it farther resolved, That the said commissioners shall, Px_5;g2:;"°*h° as soon as conveniently may be, report to the President of the United ' States, who shall lay the report before Congress. _ _ Sec. 3. And be it further resolved, That the said commissioners shall wcgrvmlzslgsgw serve without compensation, except the payment of expenses; and the c°,,,,,,,,;M{O,,_“ compensation of the secretary shall be determined by the Secretary of Pay of sem- State, with the approval of the President: Provided. That nothing in "&¤ mm, these resolutions contained shall be held, understood, or construed as oommiirws nm. committing Congress to the policy of annexing the territory of said bb'- republic of Dominica. Approved, January 12, 1871. [N0. 8.] Joint Resolution granting condemned Ordnance to the Seventh Regiment MMM- ment Association of Ohio. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives cy" the United ’ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War IS Omifgizmgegle — hereby authorized to deliver to the Seventh Regiment Monument Asso- $,,,6,,,,, R83i_ L oiation of Ohio four pieces of condemned iron cannon, to be used in orna.- ment Monument mentlng the grounds around a. monument now being erected at Cleveland, *3gg?*"·“°“ °f Ohio, in memory of the officers and soldiers of the seventh regiment of I Ohio volunteer infantry, who lost their lives in the late war. ' A1>1>1zov1~:¤, January 18, 1871.