Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/712

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678 FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 18, 19, 20, 22. 1871. hundred and sixty-five, under the appointment of the Secretary of the Interior; and whereas, by the first section of an act entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and 1870, ch- 291 for other purposes," approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seven- ‘°'“·P‘3°7• ty, the sum of money aforesaid was appropriated to pay said per diem and mileage, but by mistake in describing said examination of said railroad as having taken place in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six [it could not lawfully be paid:] Therefore, Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Amendment of States of America in Oongress assembled, That so much of the act above

 recited as describes the said examination of the first ten miles of the said

D, scm, y Minnesota Valley railroad by the said Harvey D. Scott as having been made in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to refer to said examination so made by him in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and the appropriation therein made shall be construed to apply to said last-named examination. Approved, January 11, 1871. . .— n ct to into E act the- Decree o the Circuit Court o the United

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and her Cargo. Be it enacted In; the Senate and Muse ofRe£1resentatives of the United Appropriation States of America in Congress assembled, Thatt e Secretary of the Treasgfufmgdgfgzi ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, out of any money not Alexander M, otherwise appropriated, to pay into the circuit court of the United States D¢>¤zl¤·¤¤· for the southern district of New York, in the suit therein of Alexander M. Douglass, libellant, against the schooner L. `S. Davis, her tackle and cargo, the United States claimants, the sum of twenty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-one dollars and twenty cents, being the amount of the decree to the libellant in·said cause against the said claimants; to be disposed of by said court according to the decree therein. Approved, January 14, 1871. Jan. 17, 1871. CHAP. XX. -An Aecfwr the Rdiq/‘¢y"¢he Kentucky Universizy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ltepresentatives of the United Payment fq States of America in Congress assembled, That the treasurer of the §::;:°l}g;,g;:' United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to the treasurer of of its buildings. the Kentucky University the sum of twenty-Eve thousand dollars in full compensation for all claim which could be made by said university, or by Transylvania University, to whose rights it has succeeded, for the occupation of their buildings at Lexington, Kentucky, as a. general hospital for United States soldiers, and ·for all damages and injury caused to said buildings and the grounds adjacent, and to the museums and personal Pmvinm property of said university: Provided, That before said sum shall be paid, a release in full of all claims against the government of all rents and damages that mi ht or could be claimed by said Kentucky University, or by Transylvania llniversity, shall be executed in due form by the proper officers of said university, and deposited with the Treasurer along with the receipt for the sum hereby appropriated. Armovnn, January 17, 1871. Jan. 18, 1871. CHAP. XXII.—An Act for the Relic/' qf'Joseph S Huck and Company, ofPiffsbwy, Pennsylvania. Preamble. Wunnmls it is alleged that forty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-seven and eighty-two onehundredths proof gallons of distilled spirits, distilled by Joseph Finch and Company, at their distillery in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, and stored in their distillery warehouse near Pitts-