Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/74

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40 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sress. I. Ch. 16, 17. 1869._ ¤¥°*hi¤8 f°*_ of Indian affairs for the central supcrintendency in the purchase of such Kansas Indians. . . . . . . articles of food and clothing as may m his discretion be thought necessary to relieve the most pressing wants of said Indians, they being in a destitute and suffering condition. Appropriation Sicc. 4. And be it fur:/wr enacted, That there be a»ppropriated the fur.

:‘:;°3‘;m_ ther sum of two millions of dollars, or so much thereof as may be necesmgm civgnmqqn sary, to enable the President to maintain the peace among and with tho
¤¤zth¤ i¤d¤· various tribes, bands, and parties of Indians, and to promote civilization

` among said Indians, bring them, where practicable, upon reservations, relieve their necessities, and encourage their eH`0rts at self'-support; a mgiiippgt be report of all expenditures under this appropriation to be made in detail “` to Congress in December next- and for the purpose of enablin _ _ g the gms President to execute the powers conferred by this act he is hereby °r:7*<L¤¥;rmsi<}¤;]g authorized, at his discretion, to organize a. board of commissioners, to dlsbmsemcm of consist of not more than ten persons, to be selected by him from men appropriations eminent For their intelligence and phdanthropy, to serve without poor;- b5i;;‘;“ :;*120 mary compensation, who may, under his. direction, exercise joint control Pmé p_`568_' \Vl.Eil-t·ilB Secretary of the Interior over the disbursement of the appro- E priauons made by this acl: or any part thereof that the President may xppnses of esiguate; and to pay the necessary expenses of transportation subis . · . . . . , °°""“ °'°“ sistence, and clerk hire of sand comnnxssnoners while actually engaged in said service, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. I §otreety with Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act contained, “ *‘"**¤°B or in any of the rovi·ions there F h- ll b ‘ J I 20 ,86, p s . U 0, s a e so construed as to ratify or ,_:p°;°,,gd by gm, approve any treaty made with any tribes, bands, or parties of Indians uct. smce the twentieth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. toikggfggahenr Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the appropriation of one huncxpcnm in sup dred and seventeen thousand dollars made to the State of Minnesota,

india; glply second, eigliteenliiundlrecli gud. sixty-four, to supply a deficiency in

ld hit _ eappropriatiou 0 arc thir , eighteen hundred and six! -three`for

,v,Q;_ °* the costs, charges, and expenses properly incurred by said Stzgie in sup-

V§6;§1i.2;%.1 pressing Indian hostihties m the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two, · · P- · be,anddthetIsume 1s·h;erehy,hext;a11ded to embrace such expenditures mcurre m ie year eigiteen un red and sixty-three to the amount of twelve, thousand four hundred and eight dollars and four cents; Pr0~ . ‘`i Pr<>v¤s¤· vuted, lhut only so much of such expenses shall be paid the State of 1868 ch 79 W2 Minnesota as shall be allowed by the proper accounting officers under 'I V - I . I • • VoL·xiLp_·754' tie tvi enty second section of- the act approved March tlnrd, eighteen hunslired luuii sixty-three} entitled "An act making appropriations for sun ry cm expenses o the government for the e. d' thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and for the);yeqa:· (elndlilni gah; tlurticth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and for other purposes." A1’Pl{OVED, April 10, 1869.

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, . . I IIS l Il IOTLS, GH Cm ETS Qf OONQTQSS. B • I n I The President Slat; ;;l_6ZQ§{¢¢f.6y.lh2 Scna·e and House of Representatwes of the United maytwbmn mc qmmq at zzztrftatn ongress assembled, That the President of the United wgimtgucp ·~ b Z; suc r time as he may deem best for the public interest, may vom of me pw su rf;/i the constitution which was framed by the convention which met p160mm6mm_ 1:1 xchmond, Virgnma, on Puesdny, the third day of December, one tsppiand eightdhundred end sixtyrseven, to the voters of said State, regis- Scmmm vow la ie 'ate of said submission, for ratification or rejection; and for pwicuhr imny a so submit to a separate vote such provisions of said constitution as provrsions. e may deem best, such vote to be taken either upon each of the said