Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/829

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POSTAL CONVENTION WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Mu 14, 1849, ‘7 95 E- Soo p. 100. List ¢y"Foreign Countries, and United State: Possession: and Territories, which by the Laws of the United States are beyond the Limit of their established Post—Routes, with the Rates of Postage on Letters to and from the United 1Gngdom, when conveyed via the United States, which Rates are to be paid by the Post-Office of the United Kingdom to the Post-Ojicc of the United States. 7 Rate per Single Letter when conveyed between the United States and Great Britain. Routes, Ports of Arrival iu, or Names of Countries, Soc. _ Departure the United By U. States By British - Packet. Packet. Not exceeding Not exéwdhtg g ounce. . { ounoo. Cents. Cents. C d am B i ···-·····- 26 10 By the general mail. New Brunswick B United States Packet Havana ... 28} I2} { zom Charleston_ California .. 55 40 Oregon Panama . .. 46 80 {By United Sums Packet Chagres .. .. 36 20 fiom New York' Any place in the- West Indies or Gulf of Mexico 21 5 { B%g?;]?£k?¤ck°t mm Any place in the West Indies or Gulf of Meme as l0 {B{,§Q{ffh P“°k°° °"’”‘