Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/876

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842 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Auc.9 & Sm··r.5, 1867. A. Sec . B8. TABLE showin the Rates 0 Post e to be amounted for b the United Stales Post-Office p 8 to the Britgsh Post-Off; u]707?gl;€u¢T8, Nerve pers, Zgook Packei-f, and Patterns or Sam les of dlerchaowlise, conveyed in transit ffrzugh the United Kniqdum in ordimuy Maig between the United States and the undermentioned C'0lL72[7`iL'8 and Colonies.

Paid corres ondence delivered b Unwd °°"°'°p°“d?'}°° the United States I’0st—0iHce eZ 1 Otxelgylggzg the British Post-Office. Sums 1, O" Omm .; -¤ . u .¤ . i-3;% Ei? Couurms AND Comms. is 3 § 5 Rate for a. Book u 3 g gg ES; g g § ¤· Packet, or Packet 33 ° ¤· ¤"" »=:>

    • iJ E E of Patterns not `Q Q é g r. E Eq

§%» SE ·¤¤~¤**··g* 39 gz £ gz Ounces. _ é Z EE

  _  _   __   ___,_ L   G U

Africa (Foreign Possessions on cents. Ceuta. Gents. Cents. Cents. Cents. the West Coast). . 12 2 6 20 2 6 Australia via Southampton 12 4 8 20 4 8 " “Marseilles. .. 20 6 12 28 6 12 Brazil . ..24 2 Cannot be scm:. 32 2 . . Buenos Ayres .. . . 24 (b) 2 6 32 (b) 2 6 Cape of Good Hope .. 24 2 6 32 2 6 Ceylon via Southampton .. 12 4 8 20 4 8 " “Marseiiies ... . . 20 6 12 28 6 12 China (except Hong-Kong) via Southampton ...t 24 4 8 32 4 8 China. (except Hong-Kong) via Marseilles ... 32 6 12 40 6 12 Constantinople ... (a) 12 (b 4 8 (c) 26 (b) 4 8 East. Indice via Southampton,. 12 (b 4 B 20 (b) 4 S " “Marseilles. . 20 (b) 6 12 28 (b) 6 12 Egypt via Southampton ... 12 2 6 20 2 6 “ “Marseilles .. (a)12 (b) 4 S gc) 20 (b) 4 8 Falkland Islands . 12 2 6 20 2 6 Gambia, Gold Coast, Gibraltar 12 2 6 20 2 6 H0ng·K0ng via Southampton. . 24 4 8 32 4 3 " “Marseilles . 32 6 'I2 40 6 12 Japan via Southampton .. . 24 4 Cannot be sent. 32 4 . .

  • ‘ “Marseilles .. 32 6 Cannot be scm:. 40 6 . ,

Java. via Southampton 24 (b) 4 8 32 (b) 4 8 “ “Marseilles ... 32 (b) 6 12 40 (b) 6 12 Labunn via Southampton. . 24 4 8 32 4 8 " “Marseilles ... . . 32 6 I2 40 6 12 Lagos ... 12 2 6 20 2 6 Liberia .. 12 2 6 20 2 e Malta via Southampton ... I2 2 6 20 2 6 " “Marseilles .. (a)12 (b) 48 (c) 20 (b) 4 8 Mauritius via Southampton 12 4 8 20 4 3 “ “Marseilles . . . 20 I 6 I2 28 6 12 Montevideo. . 24 (b) 2 6 32 (b) 2 6 Nmi . . .. . .. 24 I 2 6 32 t 2 6 Penang and Singapore via Soummpmn . . .. 24 (b) 4 8 32 (by 4 s Penang und Singapore via Marsei les . . . 82 (b) 6 12 40 (b) 6 12 Philippine Islands via Southampton .. . ... 2-1 4 Cannot be sent. 32 4 . . Phiufpine Islands via Marseilles 32 6 Cannot be sem. 40 is , , St. elena ... 24 2 6 32 2 6 Sierra Leone . .. . . 12 2 6 20 2 6

these rates the United States Post- Otiice is to account to the British Office tor three pence {br 3§&§m3€}§T"}»¤3£ Packets, um:] Put- Non.-The rafee of postage having the letter " a ” prefixed increase by im additional rate for every 7} gnmmes or fraction thereon Those marked " c" increase according to two diiierent principles, 8 cents being reckoned for each rate of15gmmmes, and the remainder for each rate of 7g gmmmes. Upon letters for nil other places an addition! rate is to be reckoned for avery 15 grummes or fraction of 15 Where the letter " b” is prefixed an additional rate is to be accounted for for each four ounces or fraction of tour ounces if u, single Newspaper exceed four ounces in weight. In all other cases the postage is for ewch Newspaper without regard to its weight. The mixes set down for Book Packets and Patterns are to be accounted for for each four ounces or taxation thereoii The Book aud Pattern post to Egypt extends only to Alexandria, Cairo, and Suez.