Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/891

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POSTAL CONVENTION WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Nov. 7 8c 24, 1868. 857 Upon the correspondence despatched from New York, addressed to Porto Rico, the United States Post-Office shall account to the British Post- Otiice at the rate of four pence per half-ounce for letters and one penny each for newspapers. Amicus V. Upon ordinary correspondence despatched from the A¤<>¤¤¤t¤ be- United States in ordinary mails, by way of the United Kingdom, ad- dressed to the countries and colonies enumerated in Table A, annexed to ish Post-Omce. the present regulations, the United States Post-Office shall account to the See 860 British Post-Ollice for the rates of postage set forth in that table. p` ' Amicus VI. Upon ordinary correspondence despatched from the United Kingdom, in ordinary mails, by way of the United States, addressed to the countries and colonies enumerated in Table B, annexed to the present regulations, the British Post-Otiice shall account to the United S“ P' 863· States Post·Otiice at the rates of postage set forth in that table. Amrenn VII. The exchange of registered letters and other postal EX°h=‘~§s° °*` packets between the post·offices of the United Kingdom and the post-;$§?g;?&1°tt°m offices of the United States shall be regulated as follows : -- packets. Theletters, &c. shall be entered, with all the necessary details, on special lists according to the form C annexed to the present regulations. See p. 86* The registered letters, &c. and the nominal list, shall be then tied together with a cross-string and placed in a canvas bag, of an orange color, which shall be securely tied at the neck by a, string, the ends of which shall be sealed with the seal of the despatching office. The registered letters, thus made up, shall be placed in the mail of which they form part. The number of registered letters entered on the special lists must be specified at full length, in words, in the place reserved for the purpose at the foot of the letter bill. If it should happen that there are no registered letters to be forwarded, a blank list shall be enclosed as usual in the orange-colored canvas ba . Theg special lists shall be retained by the office to which they are sent, which shall simply acknowledge the receipt, numerically, of the registered letters received by it, by the 'next list which it shall have to send to the corresponding office. _ In case of any difference or error being discovered on the opening of the mails, the attention of the despatching office shall be called to the circumstance by the first post. _ Anrionm VIII. The United States Post-Ofme may deliver to thet R€z;5<;¤‘¤;<ll$_;· British Post-Otiice registered letters, newspapers, book packets, and pat- gggifg cB,.€,,_5,° ’ terns or samples of merchandise addressed to the under-mentioned coun· countries or tries or colonies, viz. :— °°l°m°B‘ Cape of Good Hope. Ceylon. Constantinople. East Indies. _ Egypt, viz.: Alexandria, Suez, and Cairo. Falkland Islands. Gambia. Gibraltar. Gold Coast. Hong-Kong. Java. Lagos. Labuan. Liberia. Malta. Mauritius. Natal.