Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/90

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56 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 18, 19. 1869. V¤¤*¤d fights this act shall be construed in any manner affecting any legal rights here. mt mmm tofore vested in any other party or parties. Approved, April 10, 1869. April 10, 1869. [No. 19.] Joint Resolution Jim the Protection of the [nterests ey" the United States in the ”""";"" gniem Pact/ic Railroad ompany, the Central _Pm:qfic Razlroad Company, and for other NTTOS8S. Be it resolved Zqy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United $*>¤¤kh¤U¤€¤ States of America in Congress assembled, That the stockholders of the ggngsf gi;;?; Union Pacific Railroad Company, at a. meeting to be held on the twenty- aboard of di- second day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, at the city of '°°°°”i Boston, (with power to adjourn from day to day,) shall elect a board of directors for the ensuing year ; and said stockholders are hereby authortq establish ized to establish their general office at such place in the United States

l§;;?°°°m1 as they may select at said meeting: Provided, That the passage of this

No other right resolution shall not confer any other right upon said Union Pacific Rail- °°'Ef°";°: °"b road Company than to hold such election, or be held in any manner to mm °r° y' relinquish or waive any rights of the United States to take advantage of any act or neglect of said Union Pacific Railroad Company heretofore done or omitted whereby the rights of the general government have Gcmmon ter- been or may be prejudiced : And provided, further, That the common ter- ’I'};’;g: minus of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railroads shall be at and cam,-9,1 Pa. or near Ogden; and the Union Pacific Railroad Company shall build, g;¤:t¥:;l;¤:£_¤ *0 and the Central Pacific Railroad Company pay for_and own the railroad Ogden_ &°_ from the terminus aforesaid to Promontory summit, at which pomt the rails shall meet and connect and form one continuous line. SEO. 2. And be it further resolved, That, to ascertain the condition of mTh¤ ?r£*=¤id¤¤¤ the Union Pacific railroad and the Central Pacific railroad, the President _m,$,Y,£{;.,QI}0:m of the United States is authorized to appoint aboard of eminent citizens, examine and re- not exceeding five in` number, and who shall not be interested in either m“P°“ “‘° road, to examine and report upon the condition oh and what sum or sums, ` if any, will be required to complete each of said roads, for the entire length thereof, to the said terminus as a first-class railroad, in compliance Expenses and with the several acts relating to said roads; and the expense of `such gg 0*1]; °°“‘m'·°' board, including an allowance of ten dollars to each for their services for ` each day employed in such examination or report, to be paid equally by said companies. t0§)*;b;§'Zl§l'lR3Sd’ Sec. 3. And be it further resolved, That the President is hereby author- ,,umc,,,,,,,° ,,_ ized and required to withhold from each of said companies an amount euro the full of subsidy bonds authorized to be issued by the United States under said f,fs“;P;f;;§‘;6;*;“ acts sufficient to secure the full completion as a first-class road_ of all of an sgctigng by sections of such road upon which bonds have already been issued, or in ¤¤<>h ¤>¤d» &¤· lieu of such bonds he may receive as such security an equal amount of the first mortgage bonds of such company; and if it shall appear to the togotilsgsélllgfni President that thelamount of subsidy bonds yet to be issued to either of ,,,,,,,50;,,,,,, gw_ said companies IS insufficient to insure the full completion of such road, he may make requisition upon such company for a sufficient amount of bonds already issued to said company, or in his discretion of their first mortgage bonds, to secure the full completion of the same. And in default of obtaining such securityas gs] in this section provided, the Attorney—Geu— President may authorize and direct the ttorney-General to institute such

 suits and proceedings on behalf and in the name of the United States, in

any court of the United States having jurisdiction, as shall be necessary or proper to compel the giving of such security, and thereby, or in any manner otherwise, to protect the interests of the United States in said road, and to insure the full completion thereof as a first-class road;as required by law and the statutes in that case made. , Sec. 4. And be it fwrt/wr resolved, That the Attorney-General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to investi-