Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/920

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886 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH FRANCE. Mxncu 2, 1857. Communion or rms L E T T E R B I L L or run Uxrrnn Srnas Pour-Orrrcm. Tenn N0. 3. — Correspondence delivered over to the French Post-Office _/ree of all Chargqejbr Transporzation.

Statement by the United! Veriicntion by the \ States office of exchange. French chico of exchange. Desigmtien of the correspondence. LT—.. i...i..._A I Number of Net weight in Number of Net weight in articles. grammes. articles. grammee. 1 2 3 4 5 . ted Stat . Prgggggsggg <>g egg 25E22E13E?.. to ...%*2,.. u... Algeria., and proceeding gggzs sfriw _°°_ ul} g Printed matter of every kind sddrosnd to the European From the United States . . . . . States to which France From countries to which the United serves as an intermediate States serves as on intermediate polnt(oxcept Spain and point . . . . . . . . . . Portugal), and proceeding Correspondence relating to the service, dead matter, and letters relating to the account, addressed by the United States Post·0Bce to the French Post-Odlce . . . . . . .. . . . TABLE No. 4. -—Abstract of the Matters which are to serve as a Base for the Settkment of the Amount due to the British Post—O_iice, or lo Captains of Commercial Vessels, far the Transportation of the Cone spondence comprised in the Ma1Y.* Statement by the United States dice of exchange. Verldcetion by the French office of exchange.

Letters. Articles of printed matter. letters. Articles of printed matter. Number. Net weight in Number. Net weight ln Number. Net weight in Number. Net weight ln grcmmes. gremmes. gnmmes. gi-umm 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 w

  • The correspondence relating to th serv! e, th dead tte , and the letters uleti to e ressed b

United States Post-Office to the French, Postzlleei and dgzribled in Table No. 8, are 11:% to hl: in-210::;: abstrgcttlw Certified by the undersigned Postmaster.