Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/922

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888 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH FRA.NOE.· Menon 2, 1857. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT —— Continued. Tum No. 3. -· delivered over to the United States Post-Office free ty all Charge for Transportation. Statement by the French Verldcation by the United omce of exchange. States otllce of exchange. Designation- of the ecnsspondsnup ..m..—..——.- -—.;i.m Number of lllet weight in Number of Net weight in articles. grammes. articles. grammes. 1 2 3 4 5 Prlntedmntter feveryldnd Fromlra •.ndAlgnh . . . . addressed mathe United {From co¤::rle• to which France.} Statesgmdproceedlng servesasanlntermedlatepoint. `Printed matterofevery kind addressed to countries to From France and Algerls which the United States From countries to which lh-ence } serves as an lntermedlste serves as anlntermedlate pclnl: . point, and proceeding Correspondence relating to the service, deed matter, and letters relating to the account addressed by the French Po•t·0mce to g the United States Poet-Omoo . ... l TABLE N0. 4. —Abstract of the Mahers which are to serve as a Base for the Settlement of the Amount due to the British Post-O_#fce,or to Captains of Commercial Vessels, for the Transportation of the Cnrrespondence comjrrised in the Mail.*

Statement of the French olllce of exchange. I Varllleation by the United States oilce od exchange. Letters. Articles of printed matter. Letters. Artleles of printed matter. Number. Net weight ln Number. Net weight ln Number. Net weight in Number. Net weight in grunmes. gnmmes. gnmmes. grammes. 1 2 8 `4 5 6 7 8

  • The correspondence relating to the service, the deed matter, and the letters relating to the account, addressed by the

French P0sf»0mce to the United States Post-Olllce, and described ln Table No. 8, ue not to be Included In this abstract. Certified by the undersigned Postmaster.