Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/104

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64 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 140. 1872. Fonnng, For folding documents, including pay of folders in the folding-rooms and materials, one hundred thousand dollars. Fuel. For fuel, eight thousand dollars. _ Home mi m- For horses and carriages for transportation of mails, and saddle-horses

    • 8*- for the use of messengers, ten thousand dollars.

Furniture. For furnitiue, and repairs of the same, ten thousand four hundred · dollars. For packing-boxes, two thousand six hundred dollars. For laborers, thirteen thousand six hxmdred and fourteen dollars. For miscellaneous items, sixty thousand dollars. Newspapers For newspapers and stationery for representatives and delegates, at one nd ”“"°“"v‘ hundred and twenty-five dollars each per annum, thirty-one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; and for stationery for committees and officers of the House, five thousand dollars. Pages. For twenty-five pages, including three riding pages, seven thousand six hundred dollars. Mail boys. For five mail-boys, seven thousand three hundred and forty-four dol- Expenditures, larsz Provided, That hereafter all expenditures of the Senate and House “’l‘°n ;° bs Hyg? of Representatives shall be made up to the end of each fiscal year, and to up an mlm ébe reported to Congress at the commencement of each session. Additional For the usual additional compensation to the reporters of the House °°n‘P€n***;l°nJ*° for the Congressional Globe for reporting the proceedings of the gggiigazloéicggj House for the session of the forty-second Congress, beginning on the first Monday in December, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, eight hundred dollars each, four thousand eight hundred dollars. _ Public print- Public Printing. — For compensation of the congressional printer, and lng, . I the clerks and messenger in his office, twelve thousand five hundred and ,.;,,,2,§T5?;{;`? fourteen dollars. And the compensation of the foreman of printing ge; _ and the foreman of binding, at the government printing office, shall be O,(;g;;‘1l;;Bf*::,l°“ two thousand one hundred dollars each, to commence on the first of July, printing {md of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and a sum sufficient to pay the in- }i¤di¤s ¤¤¤¤l>· crease of salary hereby provided is hereby appropriated out of any money hSh°d‘ in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Cnntinsnnt °¤· For contingent expenses of his office, viz.: For stationery, postage, ad- P°°s°S' vertising, travelling expenses, horses and wagons, and miscellaneous items, two thousand five hundred dollars. Pnnnng- For the public printing, six hundred and fifty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-six dollars and thirty-six cents. Paper. For paper for the public printing, seven hundred and nine thousand one hundred and twenty-eight dollars. Binding. For the public binding, five hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifty-eight cents. Lithqgwphlng. For lithographing, engraving, mapping copies of maps, plans, and °“g"°"""g* &°‘ diagrams in fac-simile on tracing—linen, and photo-lithographing plates for patent-office illustrations, seventy-tive thousand dollars. Library of Lfbraijy of O0ngress.—For compensation of the librarian, four thou- C‘¥§"*(f?·m"u_ sand dollars; and for fourteen assistant librarians, three at two thousand ,.,,,,,,);,%,8,,,,,,,, five lnmdrcd dollars each, two at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, &¤· one at one thousand six hundred dollars, two at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each, three at one thousand two hundred dollars each, two at one thousand dollars each, and one at nine hundred and sixty dollars per annum; in all, twenty-six thousand one hundred and forty dollars. _ Bvoks. l>¤l‘i¤<l· For purchase of books for the library, eight thousand dollars ; for purg;:,,:u;::,°;`; chase of law books for the library, two thousand dollars; for purchase changd of public of files of periodicals and newspapers, one thousand five hundred dollars ; d°°“n‘°n*¤· for expenses of exchanging public documents for the publications of foreign governments, one thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said library, two thousand dollars.