Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1050

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1010 INDEX. Duplicate Checks, ( continued.) Echols, Mmm M., disbursing officers to issue to, in favor of claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 746 any postmaster, &c. . . . 300 Ecuador, Durfbe and Peck, postal convention with, of May 9, 1871, 879- claims of, to be settled .. 786 886 Durpe, E. H., exchange of mails, and offices of exclaims of, to be settled . . 786 change . 879, 880 Dutch Island, mail matter and rates of postage . 879, 880 appropriation for fort on . . 468 exchange in open mails of correspon- Duties. See Customs Duties, Internal Revenue. dence from Ecuador to other countries monument to the memory of the offtoers, via the United States 880, 881 &c., of the navy, &c., to be admitted official correspondence to be free . . . 881 free . . . . ... . 400 prohibited mail matter not to be delivtreaty provisions with Great Britain ered, and articles subject to customs respecting, on merchandise, &c., im- duties or to confiscation . 881 ported at certain ports, and to be con- transmission of registered articles and veyed in transit through, &c. . . . 873 register fees . . . . . . 882 on certain lumber or timber cut in Edgerton v. Culpeper, Maine, &c. . . . . 874 appropriation to pay judgment in the British subjects may carry in British cause 134 vessels goods free of dut from cer- Edsall, John T., tain ports of the Unitedy States to damages awarded to, by commissioners other such ports, if part of such can of claims . . . . . . 698 riage is through Canada by land and Educatzon, in bond ... 873 appropriations for expenses of bureau of, 76 reciprocal privileges granted to cit- 504 izens of the United States . . . 873 Edwards, David, D’Wam{sh Indians, damages awarded to, by commissioners appropriations for the . . . . . 173, 446 of claims . . . . . . 693 Dyer, Robert, Edwards, David, claim oi; allowed by commissioners . . 769 claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 742 Dykes, Geciye J., Edwards, Elizabeth, ' claim oi} allowed by commissioners . . 748 payment to, for hve-stool: . 714 claim of§ allowed by commissioners . . 759 Edwards, John, E- claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 761 Eac/nes, Delilah, Edwards, Nathaniel E., claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 759 claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 758 Eachu, Thomas, Edwards, Sarah, payment to, for live-stock . . . . . 716 claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 742 Eagle. See Milzts, Qc. E jects sy' Seamen, standard weight and value of the . . . 426 dying on board vessel, how to be cared Easly, Greenberg M., for and disposed of . . . . . . . 271 damages awarded to, by commissioners at any place out of the United of claims .. 698 States .. 272 East Chester National Bank of Mount Vernon, in the United States .. 272 may change its location and name . . _409 duty of court as to the distribution oi] 272, proceedings, new name, rights, &c., 409, 410 273 Eastern Nevada Railroad Company, ‘E{qht Hour Law, right of way through public lands, wages of certain workmen to be settled granted to .. 393 without reduction for reduction in and to take material from adjacent hours of labor . ... 184 lands .. 398 proclamation of the President of the other roads may be built through any United States respecting . 955 defile 393 no reduction to be made in wages, &c., act to be accepted in writing within one on account of reduction in hours of year and map of location tiled . . . 393 labor 955 road to be completed within two years, 393 Eight Steam Vessels <y' War. See Steam. Ves- East Florida Land Bistrlct, sels of War. established in Florida. with office at to be constructed 423 Jaynesville .. 335 Ela, Jacob H., register and receiver . . . . . 335 accounts of, to be settled and payments Eastman, Ilrancis A., made to . . . . . . . . . . . 647 accounts oi to be settled and certain Elderkin, Phebe Ann, credits allowed . . . . . . . . 646 pension to . 672 Eastport, Maine, Eleazer, Glam; R., 0Ece of surveyor at, re-established . . 3 claim of, allowed ly commissioners . . 764 to be known by what name heresf- Election Cases, Contests . See Elections, Conter . . . . . . . 8 tested. Eau Claire Lumber Company, provision for taking testimony in . 408, 409 letterspatent heretofore granted to, ex- Elecmms, tended . . . . . 389, 390 of members of 436. Congress . . 28, 192 provision as to rights heretofore sold and of 45th Congress ... 28 machines erected . . . . . . . 390 of subsequent Congresses 28