Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1065

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INDEX. 1025 Hartman, William G., _ _ Headstones, (continued.) damages awarded tc, by commissioners on graves of soldiers in national ceme- Hurt ;i;Liz;11m| .. 694 f ter1es,_appropriations for . . . 367, 545 r r O!` USG ll') ‘ I l' claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 750 to be oflmwidlaltalnldlglidlydggderddd Haruell, Charles R., weight .. , . . ., . . 545 Hanclmjmugf, allowed by commissioners . . 754 forosupvmying, new awarded_ . 545 ) I H main} ot, allowed by commissioners . . 761 model?’&c. . . . ll li €.rm.m? slzel 545 arvey, . 0 n ., Heating-A;»pa¢·otus, Hmlzigdalegalzged to, by Congress . . . 638 Hwiapmollrggaéipllris for .8 . d. . 65, 126, 851 P P NGTICS. T 71 . court. of claims may determine the claims alppropriation for expsidmengaadd tests of the heirs, Guo., of ... 798 of ... . . 261 Haskin, James 0. C'., He/lin, Robert S., damages awarded to, by commissioners claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 748 of claims .. 694 Helton, P. H., Haskins, Thomas S., claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 743 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 754 Hemp, Jllanaytwtw-e.; tj Hossler, J, J. S., customs dut on, from August 1, 1872 . 232 account of, to be settled equitably . . 739 Henderson, Chorld: W., Hatcher, Ilzomas E., payment to, for live-stock . 715 payment t0, for 1ive·st0ck . . . . . 714 Henderson, J. N. and Company, Havana, Cuba, claims of, tobe investigated . . . . 711 resident mail agency established at . . 289 Henderson, Matthew, · Havre, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 750 additional compensation to the United Henderson, Thomas R., States consul at . . . . . . . . 531 damages awarded to, by commissioners Hawkins, George, of claims . . 694 claim oi, allowed by commissioners . . 750 Henderson, Willie, Hows, James, claim of allowed by commissioners . . 755 payment to, for live-stock . 714 Hendrix, Lauren, ` Hnzrzhom, Horatio T., claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 743 damages awarded to, by commissioners Henry, Joseph, _ H d of Iclaims W_ .. 694 appointed a. commissioner tod determine ay en, iran; ., claims, &c., of parties un er v. trust letterspatent to, extended . 740 created by treaties with certain Ottawa Hayden, Professor F. K, Indians . . . . . . . . . . . 624 appropriations for geological survey by, 131, Henry, Prryssor Joseph, 1 d 1 f 350 513 ma acce t the tite an regs, ia o a Hayes, Malvina A. G., , cl’>mmarl)der of the royal Norwegian damages awarded to, by commissioners order of St. Olaf 643 of claims .. 694 Henry, William, _ _ Hayes, Thomas H., claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 748 claim of] allowed by commissioners . . 754 Hensley, Ann, Hay, James, pension to . . . . . . . . • . . 777 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 Hensley, Jasper W., _ _ Haynes, Stephen, claim oi allowed by comm1ss1o¤ers . . 746 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 744 Hensley, Wesley, Hayn1`e, George O'., pension to . . . . . . . . . . . 718 payment to, for services as captain . . 661 Henson, John, _ _ Hays, Elias, damages awarded to, by commissioners claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 746 of claims .. 694 Hays, John S., Hepburn, P/uzbe, _ _ H Clltl!11 0i, allowed by commissioners . . 750 certain duplicate lauté-W&Z1‘l‘8.I1|>B to lr66E]?)- 671 ayti, sue 0, upon proc , , appropriations for diplomatic intercourse to be returned up0¤,_&c . 671 with 471 indemnity to the United States . . 671 Hazen, Gideon M., Herbert, Susan M., _ _ H Shim of, allowed by commissioners . . 754 darnaees awarded to, by commisswncrs 695 oa [ng-bolts, 0 0 mms . . . . . . . . . . included under the term “ stave-bolts " . 669 Herndon, Horace, _ _ 743 Head, Lavinia, claim of, allowed by commissioners .· . payment to, for live-stock . 715 Hess, George W., _ _ Head, William H., damages awarded to, by commissioners 694 damages awarded to, by commissioners of claims .. of claims .. 694 Hess, Jacob, _ _ Headsfones,damages awarded to, by commissmners 694 to mark graves in national cemeteries . 345 of claims . . . . . . name of soldier, &c., inscribed there- Heywood, Joseph I2., on ... 345 allowance to, m settlement of accounts, 770, proposals for making, &c .. 345 _ 771 contracts to lowest responsible bid- Hzckman, George, _ 14 der ... 345 payment to, for livestock . . . 7 VOL. xvn. 65