Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1073

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INDEX. 1033 Znsurreciionavjy States. Soc C'0mmissz`<mers of Internal Revenue, (continued.) Clazmsz · changes, or additions may be required in certain records, &c., of transactions with, distilling apparatus locks seals &c. `. 239 may he used as evidence by the com- bond of distiller . . I. . ’. . . . 239 missioners of claims .. 6 assessor with assistant to make surveys provision for pay of persons employed in, of distilleries at the expense of the in connection with the Treasury De- United States and estimate their capartment _ ._ . 10 pacity ... 239 appropriation for ... 10 report in triplicate, to be sent to Interest, whom - .. 239 in suits for balances due the Postoflice what quantity of mash, &c., to rep- Department, to be recovered at the resent s, bushel of grain or gulrate of six per centum per annum . . 324 lon of molasses . .. 239 Interest on £frust—P`und_Sl0ck·s, _ _ other surveys and reports to be belonging to various Indian tribes, up- made, if,&c. 239 proprietion for payment of 188 distiller not to commence, &c., business Interior Department. See Department of the' withoutgiving bond .. 239 Interior, Secretary ay` the Interior. mor engage in distilling on premises deficiency appropriations for . . 130, 536 less than six hundred feet in at didisbursing clerk of, to disburse moneys rect line from premises used for for Capitol extension and grounds . 131 rectifying ... .. . 239 compensation therefor 131 rules to be made respecting involuntary appropriations for the . 74, 502 suspensions of work in distillerics . . 240 Interna Revenue, changes may be made in stamps for appropriations for pay of collectors, as- tobacco, snufts, . cigars, distilled sessors, &c., of .. 68, 494 spirits, and fermented liquors, and for storekeepers and gaugers . . . 632 in the mode of attaching, cancelling, net pay of collectors, not to exceed &c. . 240 $4500 each 68, 494 tex upon wines, or compounds known as dies, paper, and for stamps . . . 68, 494 wine, not made from grapes, &c. . . 240 detection and punishment of persons special stamps to be made denoting guilty of violation of internal revenue the tax thereon .. 241 laws . 68, 69, 494 penalty for counterfeiting . . 241 employment of persons to aid in collect absence of stamp from bottle, &c., • ing money belonging to, and withheld to be prima facie evidence that tex from the United States . . . '. . 69 is not paid 241 cases of fines, &c., to be reported to dis- ten supervisors of internal revenue, trict attorneys with names of wit- authorized .. . . . . 241 messes . 580, 581 appointment, &c., of .. 241 deficiency appropriation for stamps, drawback upon distilled spirits exported, 241 paper, and dies 125 to include what and when due and offices of assessor and assistant assessor payable . ,242 to cease on or before July 1, 1873 . . 401 rules and regulations · . . . 242 their duties to be performed by col- limit to amount of .. 242 lectors . . 401 entry for exportation . 241 transfer of books and papers . . . 401 form of . 241 commissioner to make certain assess- to specify what 241,242 ments, &c. .. 402 bill of lading 242 for deficiencies in returns of distilled lading on board, when to take spirits .. 402 place . . . _ ... 242 for distilled spirits sold without a. casks, &c., to be inspected, &c. . . 242 stamp .. 402 return of inspection, &c., to be for deposits, &c., in banking busi- made .. 242 ness ...·.. . 402 distilled spirits may be withdrawn under on tobacco, snuff and cigars . . . 402 bond by owner from wa,rehou_se for on legacies and suecessions . . . 402 exportation in original cesks, in cerassessments to be certiiied 1:0, tain quantities, without payment of and collected by, collectors . 402 tax 242 tax upon canned meats, &c., repealed . 36 how to be marked and stampeddie- t collection of in first collection district of fore removal . . . . . 242, 243 Iliinois may be suspended 51 permit for removal and transporteupon distilled spirits in bond destroyed tion to state what . 243 by casualty may be abated or repaid, 162 shipments over bonded routes . 243 if insured, &c. . . . . 162 collector of port to receive spirits, judgments of court of claims for cap- &c. . . .· . ._ .. :243 tured or abandoned cotton, to be paid penalty for fraud in claim for dimvback, 243 without deduction of . . 369 for aiding, &c., in_such fraiid . . . 243 act imposing tax upon distilled spirits forfraudulently aiding infmudulent 9 and tobacco, amended 238-258 exchenge in spirits shipped . . T43 distilled spirits in distillery bonded ship to be forfeited. _ . . _ . _ . 243 warehouse, when, &c., may be with- for intentionally re-landing within drawn . . . 238 the United States or receiving part of the special tax paid by distillers spirits lslnpped for exportation, or 24 may be refunded, if, &c. . 238 for aiding therein .. 3