Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1117

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INDEX. 1077 Pensions tg, (CO1éi2lY1U€d·) Peters, Andrew Ji, Scho eld, susan . 718 claim of, allow d ‘ ' geo;) éndsqsclfiwl i · · i ‘ · Pam, Ammoh e by commissioners . . 747 eo , ap a1n enry . . . claim of, ‘ ‘ gpsrrerj ssmu? . ms Parson, nn, m°w°d by °°m“””’°”“° ‘ ‘ 747 aw, oanna . 711 claim of, al ‘ ‘ Epopmaléer, Mtizry A . . . . 733 Pettgford, Alfbnljmed by commissioners i i 761 1u er, amue . 784 claim off‘ gmail, Ilarpeg . 777 Pehtg?>»·d,Juh;l10w€d by °°mm1Ss1°”°"' 752 mith, Kitty . .. . . . . 782 claim of l · · gnivtpy, liyritnii; s. 727 1>a77m,Bn7e§au°w°d by °°'“""““’“°'“ ‘ ‘ 752 nive y, ary < . 7 ‘ 7 claim of, allowed b comm'. . Engvvkllyoryth ... . . . Peyton, Benjamin, y ISSIOHGTS 756 Co e , ’ im e dama es aw rd‘ St. Louis, George J 648 of gaims a. Bil ho) Py.C0iHui1Si10Ii6r? 696 gtukey, Elbigail .. . . . 724 Peyton, Eugene C'., upp e, ames . 673 claim of allowedb' . . gotten, Schuyéer ... 674 Peyton, Jesse,E., y commlssmners 761 wartz, ieorge . 736 a ment to, for use of builV . . trsyist, William B. ... on Pejzylclhzfifohn F., dings' &° 769 Thompson, Jane . . . . . 731 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 Thompson, Lucinda . .. 724 Peyton, Mary A., Thompson, Margaret ... 731 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 Tillotson, Martha 785 Phelan, Abjjah F,, Tomlinson, Vi/'illiam D ... 786 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 747 Tucker, Edward . 778 Phelps, Almriah, Tuell, John .. 782 claim ot} allowed by commissioners . . 747 Vvltll/(E1`, Frederick 769 Phelps, Ca/vin, Warfield, Ardella. D 780 claim of estate oil allowed by commis- Wariield, Lindsley N. ... 780 sioners ... 747 Welch, Unity .. 775 Phelps, John W, Whalen, Mary . 780 payment to, for rent of certain lands, 699, 700 Whiting, Eliza .. . . . 659 Phyier, John P., · Whiting, Sarah . i . 650, 792* damages awarded to, by commissioners Williams, Martha B 785 of claims . .. 696 Wilson, Josiah . 780 Philadelphia, Wilson, Robert G . 726 appropriations for office of assistant treas- Witham, Deborah 735 urer at . 71, 496 Wollauer, Rosa . 781 for mint at .. 72, 497, 531 Wood, Mrs. Ann M 777 for machinery for appraisers stores Wooden, Daniel . 725 in ... 126 Woods, Ann . . . . ., . 778 for navy yard at, 148-152, 368, 549, 554 Zeeb, Martin . . . ... 731 for naval hospital at 150, 551 Peoriczs, for naval asylum at 149, 551 appropriations for the . 181, 454 site to be purchased at, and building to for payment of interest on trust fund - be erected thereon for post-office and of , . 188, 462 courthouse .. 342 to establish in new homes 189 office of treasurer of mint in, to cease Peregoy, John P., after, &C . . . 435 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 756 who to act as treasurer . . . . . 435 Peyjury, 4 _ legal name of the mint at . . . . . 435 false swearingin taking the oath required Phzlzp H. S/zertdan Post, G. A. R., of certain jurors in certain cases to be of Salem, Mass., condemned cannon, deemed ... _ 15 &c., to be furnished ... 341 punishment for, committed in giving Phillzps, Samuel C., _ · testimony to be used bgforg the com- . claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 missioners of claims ... 97 Phillips, Th0m¤·6, _ See Poor Conviezs. _ payment to, for live-stock . 715 in oaths under act to encourage the Phznney, Robert, _ _ growth of timber on the western claim of. allowed by commissioners . . 752 prairies ... 606 P l10W9i 7Plll€ _P lclullesé f h_b_t_ b & pe,.k,·,, S, G,,,,,,,,, G_ cer am impore or ex 1 11on y, c., tifim Or, allowed by commissioners . . 756 gm; ¤<>= mended for me *0 *·<= M ¤i ,,5 P"ki"‘°» Captain B" R1 ubbnd for payment of duty oh such payment t° heirs °f ‘‘‘‘‘‘' 666 as shall not be reexported within, Perkins, William Rs ac. ... as claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 752 photajjthog,-aphing Plages, gym, Permits. See Internal Revenue. appropriations for . . . . . 61, 76, 405, 504 to brewers to remove malt liquors from Piankeshaws, brewery to their warehouse for stor- appropriations for the . 181, 454 age or sale .. 248 for payment of interest on trust-mpg 462 stam for . . ...7 o . 7 suchpdquors when to be stamped . 248 to establish in new homes 189