Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1122

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1082 INDEX. Past·oj;‘Ece Department, (continued.) Post-o_§fce Department, (continued. ; tocause postal revenues, &c., to be paid ceiving boxes, by the income derived unto the treasury 292 therefrom . . 297 may transfer at his discretion money be- may establish a uniform money-order longing to the postal service between, system ... 297 &c. . . . . 292 may arrange with foreign governments may dispose of quarterly returns of for the exchange by postal orders, of mails sent or received .. 292 small sums of money .. 297 accounts current and vouchers to be to prescribe rules for issuing postal preserved . . . . 292 money-orders ... . . . 297 accounts to be preserved entire for to suppl y money-order oiices with blanks at least two years .. 292 and forms .. 298 may provide for disposition of printed or may, on application of remitter, cause a. mailable matter remaining in any post- new money-order to be issued in place oflice, &.c ... 292 oi &c. ... 298 may establish post-offices on post—roads . 292 to direct payments and transfers to and to be certified promptly to auditor . 292 from money-order offices . 299 may appoint and remove postmasters of may require accounts of money-orders the fourth and fifth class . 292 to be rendered daily ... 299 to determine penalty in bonds of post- may pay for stationery and iucidentals masters ... 293 for money-order business . 800 may require new bond of postmaster, may employ additional clerks at money· when, &c ... 293 order offices . 300 to direct the hours during which post- may establish a. uniform system of regisoffices are to be kept open 293 tration of mail matter .. 300 may prescribe time within which all let- to furnish to post-offices letter balances ters brought to post-office within, &c., denominated in grams .. 301 before, &c., shall be forwarded . . . 293 may prescribe by regulation manner of to furnish to postmasters schedules of wrapping, &c., mail matter not paying time of arrival and departure of mails, 293 letter postage . 301 changes in time to be notified . . 293 may provide by order terms upon which registers of times, &c., to be kept . 293 route-agents may receive packages of may require sworn statements to accom- newspapers .. 301 pany each quarterly account of post- may provide by regulation for transmitmaster ... 294 ting unpaid, &c., letters of soldiers, false swearing therein, to be perjury, 294 sailors, &c., to their destination . . . 308 may require postal revenues to bedepos- for delivery of small newspapers in ited oftener than once a week . . . 294 packages to one address 303 may fix the salary in newly established form of aliidavit of publisher of post-offices .. 294 newspapers .. . . 303 to readjust salaries of postmasters once may make postal treaties, &c., with forin two years . 295 eign countries . 304 and at other times, in certain cases . 294 reduce or increase rates of foreign to require postmasters to make certain postage . 304 statements, under oath, as to amounts prepare stamps for prepayment of of postal receipts . . . . . . . . 294 postage on mail matter 304 may make allowance to postmaster for provide letter and newspaper enveldecrease in box rents caused by free opes .. . 304 delivery of letters . . . 295 furnish postal cards .. 304 to make in writing all orders establishing adopt improvements in stamps and or changing salaries of postmasters . 295 envelopes, &c 305 change to be notified to auditor . . 295 furnish stamps and stamped envelmay designate certain o£Hces as distrib- opes to postinasters . 305 uting or separating offices . 295 may direct lists of non-delivered letters allowance to postmasters of such to be posted or published . 307 offices .. . . . . 295 to prescribe rules for registering certain may allow to postmasters of first and letters containing fractional currency second class, and at New York city, for without fee, &c . 307 rent, clerks, &c . 295 for nndelivered letters . 308 may, by special order, allow compensa- to determine which shall be considered tion for unusual business at any post- the post road when there are more office 296 than one ... 309 may discontinue postpuiiices . 296 may change the terminus of post-roads . 309 may direct the employment of letter car- may discontinue service on any posbrcad, 309 riers at certain places .. 296 arrange railway routes in three and fix their salaries .. 296 classes .. 309 and prescribe their uniform . . . 296 may separate letter mail, if, &c., may establish receiving boxes for de- and provide for carrying it by posit of mail matter . .. 296 horse express or otherwise . . . 309 to approve sureties on bonds of letter- shall provide for carrying mails on all carriers ... 296 post-roads, &e. .. • . . 309 may establish branch post-oflices . . . 296 to court house of any county withto be guided in his expenditures for let- out a mail . 309 ter carriers and branch offices and re-on navigable canals .. 310